All Reconfiguration articles – Page 19

  • Generic pie chart

    Exclusive: Survey reveals STPs' service change priorities


    The types of service changes and structural reform that will dominate sustainability and transformation plans are revealed in HSJ’s survey of senior local NHS decision makers.

  • Dave West

    This precarious moment for STPs precedes a long, arduous slog


    Sustainability and transformation planning has reached a highly precarious moment – but the STP project will be a long and difficult slog, not a big bang, writes Dave West.

  • Cancer treatment

    NHS England to invest £130m in cancer treatment equipment


    The NHS is to invest £130m to upgrade or replace key equipment for treating cancer, and will announce new proposals to reorganise radiotherapy services across England this week.

  • Northampton General Hospital

    Acute services could merge under Midlands STP


    Single service models being developed for 10 acute pathways to “deliver efficiencies” Plans show that “political opposition”, “capital constraints” and “insufficient workforce” are all risks to implementation CCG plans MCP development and staff reorganisation that could result in redundancies STP wants to see “repatriation” of out of area NHS ...

  • Hinchingbrooke

    Exclusive: Regulator's list reveals trusts slated for takeover or franchise


    HSJ obtains historic NHS Trust Development Authority “segmentation” list after lengthy freedom of information battle List from January 2015 shows Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust was slated for takeover, and East Cheshire Trust and Dartford and Gravesham Trust were earmarked for potential franchising NHS Improvement says catergorisation was “never ...

  • Alastair Mclellan headshot

    Hunt's vision seeks to change the NHS 'forever'


    Whatever your view of Jeremy Hunt there can be no questioning his stamina. The health secretary, who has already passed his fourth anniversary, shows no sign of running out of enthusiasm or ideas despite a bruising 18 months.

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: The road to reconfiguration


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • operation
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners plan children's surgery shake-up


    Two district hospitals would stop providing hyper-acute stroke care and reduce access to paediatric surgery under a proposed shake up of services in Yorkshire.

  • North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

    Success regime region faces major services shake-up


    One of the success regimes to turnaround troubled health economies has proposed a major overhaul in the way healthcare is delivered across its patch, including significant changes to emergency, community and maternity services.

  • Grantham Hospital
    HSJ Local

    A&E night closure sees two patients a night sent elsewhere


    Early data from controversial move suggests average of just two patients a night needed transporting to alternative A&E, says trust Night closure of Grantham unit resulted in admissions being reduced from 14 to 12 per day, trust says Royal College of Emergency Medicine says trust took “appropriate measures” ...

  • Dame Julie Moore
    HSJ Local

    Julie Moore intervenes over future of inadequate hospital


    Dame Julie Moore criticises Worcestershire Acute Hospital’s plans for the Alexandra Hospital UHB chief executive says her trust could have provided an “exciting and innovative” proposal for the hospital UHB experiencing pressure from increase in patients from Worcester, Redditch and Bromsgrove One of the country’s most high profile ...

  • Lung xray

    NHS England targets 'long tail' of specialised provision


    Service reviews planned to cut “long tail” of providers doing small amounts of specialised work Prosthetics, spinal cord injury and paediatric burns services could be reconfigured in 2017-18 STPs must set out plans for collaborative commissioning with NHS England in cancer, mental health or learning disabilities NHS England ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Christmas comes early for NHS leaders


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Hinchingbrooke names private partner for £150m building project


    Plan says “strategic estates partnership” could secure £5m of recurrent income by letting property and managing land use Trust is seeking approval from Treasury and NHS Improvement Strategic estates partnerships are being closely watched by ministers as means for delivering NHS capital project A district general hospital has ...

  • David Smith

    County CCG plans 'significant' hospital consolidation


    HSJ told Horton General Hospital is “not sustainable in its current form” Transformation plans looking at reducing the number of community hospitals and centralising inpatient care CCG savings taskforce looking at “all areas of spend” to generate funds to invest in service reconfiguration Oxfordshire health services ...

  • Poole hospital

    Bournemouth and Poole reopen talks on blocked merger


    Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals Foundation Trust and Poole Hospital Foundation Trust reopen merger talks Previous attempt at merger blocked by competition authority in 2013 after landmark decision Trusts say merger needed to make planned acute reconfiguration in east Dorset work Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals Foundation Trust and ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Shifting boundaries in England's big cities


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Premature baby
    HSJ Local

    Oxfordshire hospital confirms maternity unit downgrade


    Doctor led maternity services will be suspended at Horton General Hospital from 1 October Oxford CCG is reviewing “long term future” of maternity services at Horton as part of STP John Radcliffe Hospital will remain as the only obstetric service in Oxfordshire STRUCTURE: Horton General Hospital will suspend ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: It's time to publish the STPs


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • law
    HSJ Local

    Trust to face legal challenge over A&E closure


    LEGAL: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust could face a legal challenge against its decision to partially close the accident and emergency department at Grantham and District Hospital.