All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 132

  • Leader

    NHS centralism is in the small print


    Buried within the 59 pages of brittle-dry prose of an ‘impact assessment’ on the failure regime for foundering trusts are extraordinary assumptions by the Department of Health about how many providers will go to the wall.

  • News

    NHS failure regime: up to 92 trusts may be culled


    The Department of Health expects to cull up to six hospital trusts a year under its new failure regime, figures in its impact assessment reveal.The document shows the DH expects to save £200m a year under the plans, which are out for consultation. It focuses on six trusts affected by ...

  • News

    Health Professions Council president re-elected


    The Health Professions Council has re-elected Anna Van der Gaag as council president.

  • News

    Shortfall in care home funding


    An extra £540m is needed to pay for residential care for older people, research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation predicts.

  • News

    Infections prompt agency to issue blood testing guidance


    Guidance for the testing of blood glucose in residential care homes is to be issued by the Health Protection Agency after testing led to breakdowns in infection control. Five incidences of onward transmission of hepatitis B are believed to have occurred in care homes from 2004-07.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety records: silent witness


    General practice logs just 0.4 per cent of all patient safety reports. Are GPs keeping quiet to protect their businesses or are patients reluctant to complain? Mark Gould investigates

  • News

    Community mental health services 'improving'


    Community mental health services are improving, but there is still inadequate access and involvement of service users, a Healthcare Commission survey has shown.The annual survey of mental health service users showed a larger percentage had confidence in the mental health professionals treating them and had received copies of their care ...

  • News

    Lib Dems demand inquiry into C difficile outbreak


    The Liberal Democrats have demanded a public inquiry into the C difficile outbreak at Vale of Leven Hospital in Scotland.

  • News

    DH publishes plans for failing NHS trusts


    The Department of Health has published its proposals for managing failing NHS hospitals and trusts.

  • News

    Chair of NHS co-operation and competition panel named


    The first chair and director of the NHS co-operation and competition panel will be Lord Carter of Coles. He will take up the post in October.

  • News

    NHS failure regime will encourage improvement


    The NHS failure regime may never be put into practice but will give poor trusts an incentive to improve, the NHS Confederation has said.

  • News

    Clinical coding errors


    I refer to the article in which you list the trusts 'that got it most wrong', stating that up to £1bn of the bills sent to primary care trusts could be incorrect.

  • News

    NHS managers get surplus checklist


    NHS organisations in London were issued with a 21-point checklist earlier this year to assist them in keeping their surpluses within a level acceptable to the Department of Health, HSJ has learnt.

  • News

    Mental health services boost


    Community mental health services have improved steadily over the last four years, but trusts must ensure gains are sustained when systems change next month, the Healthcare Commission has said.

  • News

    Large variations in quality of health regulation


    Large variations in how much health regulators protect the public have been exposed in annual performance reviews.

  • News

    Patient safety agency reissues hand hygiene alert


    The National Patient Safety Agency has reissued its alert on hand hygiene to reinforce its importance in reducing healthcare-acquired infections.

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on achieving quality care


    Piloting the NHS towards quality requires robust regulation and inspection, and the DH has already set up overlapping organisations to provide this, presumably with a thinly spread budget. But if Lord Darzi's plan is to be accomplished, it will require action rather than rhetoric, and action requires funding.

  • News

    NHS organisations should be interested in social care


    I was surprised that the interview with Care Quality Commission chair Baroness Young made no mention of the commission's responsibilities for regulating and inspecting social care provision, including residential homes and home care services. Given the importance of joint working and commissioning between health and social care services, NHS organisations ...

  • News

    Monitor rejection highlights areas for improvement


    While Monitor did turn down our foundation trust application, this should not detract from the fact that we are already one of the best-performing mental health trusts in the country. We hold 'excellent' and 'good' Healthcare Commission ratings and have a track record of delivery against our targets.

  • News

    Inspections stepped up for learning disability services


    The Healthcare Commission is inspecting 48 specialist inpatient learning disability services to examine progress made following a national audit that uncovered 'unacceptable' variations in quality.