All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 137

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    Paul Corrigan and Ben Page on PCT accountability


    If public services really were owned by the public, accountability would always be at the core of their business. But since this is not the case, all public services must continuously review how they are held accountable.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Non-executive directors: driving performance in the NHS


    Phil Kenmore examines the challenges facing NHS non-executive directors in driving better organisational outcomes, achieving change and holding executives to account

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    Missing: the notes of more than a million outpatients


    Hundreds of thousands of NHS patients are seen each year without the clinician having their medical records, an HSJ investigation has found.

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    Noel Plumridge on why safety is just a ritual


    A Flybe flight from Southampton to Leeds-Bradford. Through security and reunited with belt and shoes. The flight is called. Walk across the tarmac, climb the stairs and claim seat 4A.

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    HSJ survey: chiefs and managers at odds on patient safety


    Most trust boards are prioritising finances and government targets over infection control, an HSJ poll has revealed.

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    Barbara Young warns on cash for GP regulation


    The newly appointed Care Quality Commission chair has revealed she is not convinced by government proposals to regulate GPs.Baroness Young told HSJ she agreed the Health and Social Care Bill should allow for some primary care services to be absorbed into the main regulatory regime.

  • HSJ Partners

    Developing the annual health check


    The Health Foundation has used learning from its safer patients initiative to advise on methodology that could be used when assessing whether acute trusts are complying with the hygiene code.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety survey: those in peril


    An HSJ poll has uncovered widespread under-reporting of safety failures, while national monitoring processes need a major overhaul. Charlotte Santry looks at the results

  • News

    Baroness Young confirmed as Care Quality chair


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has confirmed the appointment of Baroness Barbara Young as chair of the new Care Quality Commission.The cross-bench peer will earn £79,014 a year for the three-day-a-week role - more than the advertised £60,780 salary.

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    Barbara Young backed as Care Quality Commission chair


    Health select committee MPs have backed Baroness Young as a suitable candidate to chair the new Care Quality Commission.

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    National GP assessment to aid choice


    Primary care trusts will be able to assess GP practice performance against a national standard for the first time under a new primary medical care provider accreditation scheme

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    Inquiry reveals gap in paediatric training


    Children and young people with life-threatening illnesses are not being treated appropriately because the health professionals caring for them are not trained in paediatrics, the world's first confidential inquiry into child deaths has found.

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    Patient satisfaction varies massively, survey shows


    The proportion of inpatients rating their hospital care as 'excellent' varies massively between the best and the worst trusts, a survey by the Healthcare Commission has found.

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    Barbara Young sets out vision for Care Quality Commission


    Baroness Barbara Young, who is in line to chair the new Care Quality Commission, told MPs today: 'I really want this job.'The Labour peer, who is currently chief executive of the Environment Agency, underwent a grilling by the health select committee in the new-style public job interview.

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    Scottish Health and Safety Executive appoints director


    Dr Paul Stollard has taken up post as the new director of the Health and Safety Executive in Scotland.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Perfect union: why partnerships must seek local public opinion


    The health service has a long history of joint working. To build on this, it must recognise local need as a bigger priority than targets and keep decision makers close to communities

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    Foundation trusts must improve on MRSA


    Monitor has warned four foundation trusts it will intervene if they fail to improve performance on MRSA. Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals, Calderdale and Huddersfield, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Poole Hospital were told they had breached their terms of authorisation.

  • News

    Barbara Young to chair Care Quality Commission


    The proposed chair of the new super-regulator has been welcomed as an 'inspirational' leader. Baroness Barbara Young, currently the Environment Agency chief executive, has been named as the Department of Health's preferred candidate to chair the shadow Care Quality Commission.

  • News

    NHS Western Isles criticised for financial failings


    The Scottish Parliament's audit committee has found serious failings in the running of NHS Western Isles and condemned its persistent failure to put in place adequate financial controls.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health history: taking over the asylum


    In our latest feature marking the NHS’s 60th anniversary, Mark Gould charts the journey from Victorian asylums to the national service framework and recent backward steps