All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 138

  • News

    Care Quality chair to be scrutinised by MPs


    The health select committee will scrutinise the proposed new chair of the Care Quality Commission, Barbara Young, before her appointment is made official.

  • News

    Leicestershire Partnership trust rapped over killer's treatment


    An independent review has criticised a mental health trust's treatment of a man who was repeatedly in contact with its services but went on to kill one neighbour and injure another.

  • Comment

    Jon Restell on information overload


    Outsiders in their first few months in the NHS as, say, non-executive directors, are often aghast at the vast amount of information reporting that is required.

  • News

    Health check rating benchmarks 'unfair'


    Trusts are being unfairly marked down in their annual performance ratings because of changing targets and over-reliance on patient data, according to managers.

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    Peers turn against Care Quality Commission


    Peers have urged the government to delay the establishment of the new health and social care regulator, warning that the body will be 'weakened by compromise'.

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    Care Quality Commission chair announced


    A former health manager has been revealed as the proposed chair of the new health and social care super-regulator.

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    Scotland settles drug price-fixing claim


    Scottish ministers and health boards have settled a civil claim against a pharmaceutical company for allegedly fixing the price the NHS is charged for drugs with other pharmaceutical companies.

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    New rules on umbilical cord blood collection


    Collection of blood from the umbilical cords of newborns is to be regulated by the Human Tissue Authority for the first time.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Five days that shook the NHS


    The NHS has weathered countless scandals, speeches, policy launches and inquiries. Peter Davies and Daloni Carlisle discuss five landmark events and talk to those involved.

  • News

    C difficile figures are grounds for 'optimism' - Confed


    The latest quarterly figures on C difficile from the Health Protection Agency give grounds for 'cautious optimism', according to the NHS Confederation.

  • News

    Healthcare Commission launches spot checks


    The Healthcare Commission today launched the biggest inspection programme ever carried out in NHS acute trusts to check whether they are meeting standards on infection control.

  • News

    Surprise hygiene checks for every acute trust


    The Healthcare Commission will this week begin conducting spot checks of acute trusts to ensure that they are adhering to the government's hygiene code.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on acute trust challenges


    The financial year just gone has not been the easiest for acute services, with tough targets, population changes and possible structural shifts all putting pressure on trusts.

  • News

    PCTs ignoring demands to inspect private providers


    Hardly any commissioners are carrying out full inspections of private mental health providers despite fears over poor standards, an HSJ poll has revealed.

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    PCTs warned not to fail on choice


    Health minister Ben Bradshaw has told primary care trusts to 'get their act together' to promote and deliver choice of treatment for patients.

  • News

    Former ambulance trust chief defends controversial style


    A former ambulance trust chief executive has hit back at a report in which staff branded him a 'benevolent dictator', under whose leadership targets were put before patient safety.

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    Targets create ambulance staff tension


    Government targets and organisational change have been blamed for 'disappointing' staff survey results from ambulance trusts.

  • News

    Staff survey shows low opinion of senior management


    Trusts have been urged to address a ‘breakdown’ in the relationship between senior managers and staff, following the results of the fifth annual NHS staff survey.It is the first time the Healthcare Commission’s survey of every trust in England has asked specific questions about senior management.

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    New unit set up as trusts miss green targets


    Four out of 10 NHS managers have not yet begun to develop plans to reduce carbon emissions in the health service, despite green targets set by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Gibb sues former employer


    Rose Gibb, the former chief executive who received a £75,000 pay-off after presiding over a fatal infection outbreak, was prepared to 'stay and face the music', according to her trade union. She is suing her former employer for a further £175,000 plus interest, claiming she was forced to leave.