All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 139

  • News

    Patient safety tops list of complaints to Healthcare Commission


    Patient safety has emerged as the biggest area of concern in complaints that are handled by the Healthcare Commission.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Care quality data on mental health is too hard to pin down


    Data about the care of people with mental illness in the independent sector is inadequate. The government must fix this before service users get lost in the system, say Anthony Deery and Veena Raleigh

  • News

    Staff survey points to poor communication


    The views of thousands of NHS employees have been published in the Healthcare Commission's fifth annual staff survey.The survey reveals that, while staff are generally satisfied in their jobs, communication with senior management is often seen as poor.

  • Comment

    How the NHS is failing vulnerable adults


    What does the murder of a man with a learning disability have to do with the NHS? Not as much as it should, according to Margaret Flynn, who conducted an official inquiry into the death of Steven Hoskin in Cornwall

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How primary care grew up


    In our latest feature marking 60 years of the NHS, Ingrid Torjesen charts the general practitioner's rise from poor relation to commissioner

  • News

    PCTs face tough questions on QOF reporting


    Data published for the first time today by HSJ reveals the GPs who exclude the most patients from their quality incentive scheme.

  • News

    Care Quality Commission: a chance to peep under the primary care carpet


    With the launch of the Care Quality Commission, GPs will be directly regulated for the first time. The government concedes that the number of reported patient safety incidents is too low, so how closely should the new inspector look, asks Charlotte Santry

  • News

    Self-harm incidents at Broadmoor's trust investigated


    The mental health trust responsible for high security hospital Broadmoor is being investigated after fears were raised over its patient safety processes.The Healthcare Commission is investigating the way West London Mental Health trust handles serious incidents such as self-harm.

  • News

    Special measures removed after abuse trust improves


    Cornwall Partnership trust has been lifted out of special measures for 'substantial progress' in addressing serious failings in services for people with learning disabilities.

  • News

    High exception rate worth £15k income


    High exception reporters could be gaining more than £15,000 a year through their exception reporting - approximately 12 per cent of their total funds from the quality and outcomes framework.

  • News

    Specialist cleaning inspectors to be deployed


    Teams from the Healthcare Commission will check that hospitals are meeting cleanliness standards from April, health secretary Alan Johnson has announced.

  • News

    Foundation trusts in breach of MRSA targets


    Seven foundation trusts have been required by regulator Monitor to explain how they plan to improve their infection control performance.

  • News

    Former NHS executive jailed


    A former NHS executive has been jailed for 12 months for forging land profits in an attempt to wipe out his trust's financial deficit.

  • News

    Ombudsmen rule against mental health trust


    Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health Partnership trust and Buckinghamshire county council failed to provide an acceptable standard of care for a man with severe learning disabilities, a joint investigation by two ombudsmen has found.

  • News

    PCT threatened with court over fight for information


    NHS trusts have been urged to learn from a primary care trust that became the first organisation to be threatened with High Court action for failing to comply with the Freedom of Information Act.

  • News

    Corporate manslaughter: you could be in the dock


    From 6 April NHS organisations could be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter if someone dies in their care, but different interpretations of the law mean trusts may be unclear about their responsibilities. Ingrid Torjesen attempts to unravel the new actFor more in-depth information about the act, register for HSJ’s free corporate ...

  • News

    Most ambulance trusts off course for new target


    At least three-quarters of England's ambulance trusts look set to miss a new target for the time taken to respond to life-threatening emergencies.

  • Leader

    Freedom of information: accountability is part of the job


    Hounslow primary care trust's failure to meet its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act was so severe that the information commissioner Richard Thomas served draft High Court papers to force it to reveal information - the first time this has happened under the act.

  • News

    Department outlines 18 quality standards


    All health organisations will have to comply with a new set of 18 safety and quality standards under proposals unveiled in a Department of Health consultation this week.

  • News

    Report calls for improvement in chronic pain services


    The NHS in Scotland must do more to improve services for patients with chronic pain, says a report by the health service watchdog.