All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 141

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    Speak now to influence the new regulator


    This week's analysis of the bill introducing the Care Quality Commission highlights how little NHS and independent sector managers have involved themselves in shaping the new body so far. But the lack of detail in the bill of the nuts and bolts of the new regulatory framework means it is ...

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    Monitor watching


    I did not say that foundation trusts should have the right to ignore government targets and that Monitor should stand up for them when they do (leader, 21 February). All foundation trusts should rightly meet the expectations that ministers have for patients, including government targets, writes Sue Slipman

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    We are still accountable to the public


    Monitor has never said that ministers cannot express concerns with quality and views about priorities ('Is government taking liberties with the foundation principle?'). Indeed, we believe the Department of Health's prime role is to protect the interests of patients by setting targets and quality standards, and by determining nationally what ...

  • News

    Monitor challenges DH on freedoms


    Battle lines are hardening between foundation trusts and the Department of Health over the trusts' future, following a series of leaked letters between the leaders of the NHS and regulator Monitor, reports Sally Gainsbury. The correspondence has exposed a gulf between their positions on New Labour's flagship hospitals.

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    Violence increases but training in restraint techniques is still on hold


    Urgent proposals for dealing with violent patients are still awaiting government funding 10 years after the death that sparked them.HSJ has discovered that a national training scheme for staff in acute mental health wards has been on hold for years, despite fresh evidence of increasing violent behaviour.

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    Auditor finds PbR has 'questionable' impact on efficiency


    Payment by results has had a 'questionable' impact on driving up efficiency in the NHS, the Audit Commission has concluded.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alan Maynard on hard questions for NICE


    Everyone accepts that resources are scarce and that rationing in the NHS is ubiquitous. Rationing involves depriving patients of care from which they might benefit and would like to have. The most explicit instrument for rationing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is the National Institute for Health and Clinical ...

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    Regulator told to include public in its work


    The National Consumer Council has called on the Healthcare Commission to move beyond the 'rhetoric' of public engagement to ensure services meet patients' needs rather than those of regulators.

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    Focus on targets instead of patients led to health scandals


    NHS managers implicated in serious care failings are too often focused on targets and mergers instead of patients, the Healthcare Commission has warned.

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    Unison takes Monitor to court in wake of income cap silence


    Unison has launched judicial review proceedings against foundation trust regulator Monitor in a bid to stop trusts using arm's-length organisations to expand private patient work.

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    Bromley Hospitals trust fails cleanliness spot check


    Bromley Hospitals trust has been rapped for breaching the hygiene code after a Healthcare Commission spot check.

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    Bromley hospital breached hygiene rules, say inspectors


    Bromley Hospitals trust has been issued with an improvement notice for breaching the hygiene code after a spot check by the Healthcare Commission.Inspectors found dust in wards and dirty equipment during an unannounced visit to Princess Royal University Hospital last month.

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    Learn from patient safety failures, trusts urged


    Poor leadership, ineffective management and inadequate teamwork are common to failings in patient safety, the Healthcare Commission has said.A report looking at lessons from 14 investigations said the boards of failing trusts often concentrated on work such as meeting targets or mergers at the expense of other activities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Value for many - improving learning difficulties services


    A consultation on learning difficulties services seeks to help most service users to live in the community, while increasing monitoring and support. Mark Gould reports

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    Clinical audit programme under new management


    The Department of Health has announced details of the new consortium that will run the national clinical audit and patients' outcomes programme.

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    Scottish plan to fight fraud


    NHS bodies in Scotland will be encouraged to appoint 'counter-fraud champions' in a bid to stop money being illegally siphoned from the health service.

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    Commission calls for power to suspend non-executives


    Chairs and non-executive directors of hospital and primary care trusts that have lost the confidence of their local communities could face suspension in future.

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    Watchdog gives maternity services a 'wake-up call'


    NHS trusts have accepted that last week's Healthcare Commission report into maternity services should serve as a 'wake-up call' but have complained that the review's methodology may have treated them unfairly.

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    Call to bar worst managers


    The leader of the UK's hospital doctors is calling for greater regulation of managers - with powers to stop them working in healthcare in extreme cases.

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    New guidance on controlled drugs


    The Department of Health has published new guidance for healthcare professionals in England on record-keeping requirements for controlled drugs such as methadone and morphine.