All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 146

  • News

    SHAs warned over weak foundation trust applications


    The Department of Health has issued a stark warning to strategic health authority chiefs to send 'only the strongest' trusts to Monitor to be assessed for foundation status.

  • News

    Baby units stretched, claims charity


    Services for sick and premature babies are being stretched to the limit, according to a leading charity.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Jennings on measuring clinicians


    How does a primary care trust measure the performance of its GPs? Some things are relatively easily counted: operations, visits to the clinician. It is harder to count things that really matter, such as standards of care, the competence of the clinician, training, and the outcome for the patient. Paul ...

  • News



    Patients are being let down by the way NHS trusts inEnglandhandle complaints, according to the Healthcare Commission.The commission found wide variation in the way complaints were dealt with - and a failure to act on any problems they threw up.The audit focused on 32 trusts where concerns had been raised ...

  • News

    Trusts told to improve complaints handling


    The quality of complaints handling varies considerably across the NHS, a Healthcare Commission report has found.It says trusts should make it easier to make complaints, ensure that the care of those complaining is not adversely affected as a result and strengthen procedures for investigating problems after little evidence emerged that ...

  • News

    Give smokers nicotine products, says RCP


    The UK is failing to help heavily addicted smokers give up the habit, the Royal College of Physicians has said.Launching the report Harm Reduction in Nicotine Addiction: helping people who can't quit, Professor John Britton, chair of the RCP's tobacco advisory group, said nicotine products could help smokers kick the ...

  • News

    Going off Ofcare


    Ministers are not keen on the proposed name for the new health and social care regulator, Ofcare.

  • Comment

    Hygiene: staff won't follow where they are not led


    After the years of media scrutiny, policy statements, regulations, inspections and public outcry - not to mention the avoidable deaths and illnesses - it is hard to comprehend why many acute trust boards are failing to make hygiene standards a priority.

  • News

    Disability watchdog names and shames SHAs


    The NHS is failing to tackle disability discrimination, with strategic health authorities among the worst culprits, according to a watchdog.

  • News

    Healthcare Commission finds hygiene code is 'not hitting the headlines' in acute trusts


    Acute trust boards are not taking enough responsibility for controlling infection in their hospitals, the healthcare watchdog has warned.Spot checks on 43 hospitals by the Healthcare Commission have revealed concerns that boards are not regularly discussing opportunities for improvement or ensuring infection control data is analysed effectively.

  • News

    Monitor applicant deferrals


    Aspirant foundation trusts will only be given three months to remedy inadequate foundation plans before they are pushed back to the end of the waiting list to beomce a foundation trust, according to the Monitor, the foundation trust regulator.In a drastic move Monitor has slashed the amount of time it ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Provider services: get up to speed on quality


    Stockport primary care trust has pioneered a model for assuring quality of provider services. Rebekah Cresswell explains

  • News



    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence would function better if it was cut off from the Department of Health, its chief executive has said.Andrew Dillon said the wider public sector would look more favourably on NICE’s public health guidance if it was no longer a DoH arms length ...

  • News

    DoH 'letting down ethnic minorities'


    The Department of Health has been found to have failed in its race equality duties and accused of being ‘obstructive’ to a Commission for Racial Equality probe.

  • Comment

    Department should explain itself on race


    The new health secretary is passionate about tackling health inequalities. With race a central factor, he will be appalled at the catalogue of race equality failures at the Department of Health that the Commission for Racial Equality claims to have unearthed.

  • News

    Spot checks on dignity standards welcomed


    Unannounced spot checks in acute hospitals have had a cautious welcome from managers after a report exposed failures in patient dignity.

  • Comment

    Labour conference: localist messages do not cover a nasty whiff of central control


    The speeches at Labour's annual conference mapping out the principles for Gordon Brown's stewardship of the NHS highlighted the tensions with which the new ministerial team is grappling.

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    Safety first as government gets tough on causes of superbugs


    Gordon Brown has put patient safety at the top of the government’s priorities for the acute sector, promising stronger rules on hospital cleanliness.

  • News

    Institutional discrimination rife in NHS, says rights commission


    Institutional discrimination is still rife in the NHS because poor central leadership is failing to protect disabled people from unfair treatment, according to the Disability Rights Commission.

  • News

    Dignity in older people's care needs improvement


    Hospitals must step up efforts to provide dignity in care to older people, the Healthcare Commission has warned.