All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 147

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    Media Watch


    The papers are again keen to expose the 'scandal' of hospital food - this time the focus is on hospital kitchens. The Observer told readers of a 'searing indictment' of their cleanliness after government inspection reports revealed 'that breaches of food hygiene laws include infestations of mice and cockroaches, kitchen ...

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    Do not 'party' early, Monitor warns trusts


    Concerns that foundation trusts are submitting over-optimistic forecasts of their performance have been borne out by the latest figures.

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    Improvements still needed in mental health


    Many mental health patients are not getting the support they need, a Healthcare Commission report has revealed.The government watchdog's annual community mental health service users survey shows that, while most patients are happy with standards of care, persistent gaps remain.Half of patients who wanted information about local support groups had ...

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    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.A joint committee on human rights report this week said existing legislation does not sufficiently protect and promote the rights of older ...

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    Trust in bully probe praised for progress


    A hospital trust has been praised for the way it has tackled problems of bullying and harassment.The Healthcare Commission said East Sussex Hospitals trust had made 'significant progress' in improving communication and relationships between staff since its initial investigation in 2004-05.Trust chair John Lewis said: 'While the commission found that ...

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    PCTs to consult on Darzi's London blueprint


    NHS London has asked the capital's primary care trusts to form a joint committee to carry out consultation on junior health minister Lord Darzi's report, A Framework for Action.The joint committee would be responsible for approving the consultation document, considering the impact the proposals would have on health inequalities and ...

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    Five trusts have been judged compliant with the Hygiene Code, as part of the latest round of spot checks by the Healthcare Commission. Two were compliant with no recommendations for improvement:Mayday Healthcare NHS Trust andNorth Teesand Hartlepool NHS Trust.Trusts with recommendations were: Sherwood Forest NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospital Birmingham ...

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    Heather Walker on clinical measures


    'Death is only one outcome. As far as the NHS is concerned, very little is known about the other outcomes of those discharged from hospital. Do patients actually feel any better for the healthcare intervention they have just undergone?'

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    Doctors in the dark over future of regulation


    Failing to set out a timetable for the future of health regulation will be a 'disaster' for the NHS, a senior doctor has warned.

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    Call for HIV test kit review


    The Terrence Higgins Trust is urging the government to change the law and allow people to buy and use home test kits for HIV.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    MTAS: after the storm


    The dust is still settling on the MTAS debacle, but the future of medical training is far from gloomy. Daloni Carlisle reports

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    Ofcare may not cover public health


    Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker has voiced concerns that the NHS's new super-regulator may be given too narrow a remit.Ms Walker insisted Ofcare, set to swallow up the Healthcare Commission in April 2009, must have the power to regulate and assess NHS organisations on health and health inequalities as ...

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    Exclusive: SHAs understaffed and under pressure, say managers' union


    Strategic health authorities will struggle to do their jobs properly because of ‘draconian’ staff cuts, union Managers in Partnership has warned.

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    Specialist doctors 'left in lurch'


    A damming report has criticised primary care trust management of specialist doctors working in the community.Specialists employed directly by PCTs feel professionally isolated and that their needs are 'ignored', the NHS Alliance has warned.

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    Service users expose care gap


    A survey of mental health patients by the Healthcare Commission has reported gaps in the quality of services and advice.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on avoidable deaths


    What is your hospital standardised mortality rate and what have you done to improve it?In the first in an online series on the relationship between good management and safety, Stephen Ramsden discusses strategies for lowering hospital mortality rates

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    Review of Modernising Medical Careers was handled properly


    The Department of Health has been transparent throughout Professor Neil Douglas's review of Modernising Medical Careers and the Medical Training Application Service, says health minister Ben Bradshaw

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    Alan Maynard on medical safety


    ‘It may be efficient to let marginal patients die from avoidable infections’

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    Alan Maynard on medical safety


    'It may be efficient to let marginal patients die from avoidable infections'

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    BMA adds weight to IT inquiry calls


    The British Medical Association has become the latest organisation to call for a public inquiry into the national IT programme.