All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 153

  • News

    New initiative reaches out to carers


    A 'New Deal for Carers' consultation has been launched by the Department of Health.

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    Report addresses fairness in the NHS


    The British Medical Association has published a report on how the NHS can ensure disabled people are treated fairly.

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    Tide turns on health secretary's 'undermining' local influence


    The health secretary's influence over local decisions means the system has 'no credibility', according to key observers. Oliver Evans reports on moves to curb her power

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    Leak reveals plan for Ofcare regime of fines and closures


    Underperforming trusts will face fines and closure under powers given to new health and adult social care regulator Ofcare, HSJ has learned.

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    Trusts to be held to local promises, says NHS chief


    Primary care and acute trusts are to be held to account for the promises they make to their local populations, according to NHS chief executive David Nicholson.

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    Providers brace for new regulation fee regime


    NHS organisations and providers are set to be hit with regulation fees for the first time, HSJ has learned.

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    Ofcare: assessment framework to rank trusts' performance


    The Department of Health is developing a new vision for delivering better care and value in health and social care.

  • Comment

    Ofcare: 'Ambitions and metrics' mark launch of a new regulatory era


    'Ofcare's performance framework commences with mea culpa, admitting what healthcare professionals have been telling the Department of Health for years - top-down targets undermine innovation, motivation and accountability to communities'

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    AIDS drug recalled


    The European Medicines Agency has recalled the drug Viracept due to contamination.

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    Concerns raised over accuracy of PCT benchmarking


    Doubts have been raised over the accuracy of the latest quarterly hospital episode statistics following reports of problems with data collection, HSJ has learned.

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    'On track to hit the 18-week target'


    Nearly half of patients are currently being treated within 18 weeks, a year and a half ahead of schedule, according to figures published by the Department of Health.

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    Healthcare Commission announces hygiene spot checks


    The Healthcare Commission has today launched a year-long programme of unannounced spot checks to 120 NHS trusts to check compliance with the government's Hygiene Code.

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    Former NHS chief heads disability inquiry


    Former chief executive of Guy's and St Thomas' foundation trust Sir Jonathan Michael is to chair an independent inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities, health secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced. The investigation follows charity Mencap's March report into the death of six people with learning disabilities.

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    Primary care trusts charged with rewriting £300m script


    The National Audit Office has urged primary care use generic medicines to save money. Oliver Evans hears from the leaders who will be expected to drive the savings in the milieu of restructuring and inform GP prescribing behaviour right down the line

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    PCTs grapple with grey areas of GP-led commissioning


    PBC has the potential to increase the quality and range of services available to patients, but PCTs must exercise caution to avoid conflicts of interest. Alison Moore reports

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on independence day


    'The conundrum is simply how to devolve day-to-day responsibility to an independent board with the benefits of efficient delivery, local decisions and avoidance of political interference'

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    Pharmacy regulation plans get go-ahead


    Government proposals to give pharmacy a second regulatory body have been endorsed by an independent working party.The party, led by Lord Carter, recommended forming a General Pharmaceutical Council to regulate the profession and a body similar to a royal college to provide leadership.Download the working party's report

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    In pursuit of happiness


    The NHS goes to great lengths to implement complex and ever-changing outcome measures, but do they pay enough heed to how well patients feel, asks Mark Gould

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    Performance rating appeals upheld


    Two requests for performance ratings to be reviewed have been upheld. University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire trust has had its score for quality of services changed from good to excellent.Bassetlaw primary care trust had a request for a review of decontamination procedures upheld but this had no effect on its ...

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    NHS chief warned over 'damning' contract report


    MPs are preparing a scathing indictment of the consultant contract, NHS chief executive David Nicholson was warned this week.