All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 154

  • News

    Cash-strapped contraceptive services plead for a target


    Contraceptive services are struggling as PCTs direct budgets to the GUM target. Family planning needs a target of its own, reports Helen Mooney

  • News

    Tories and Lib Dems criticise Blair legacy


    The three main political parties have come out fighting over what 10 years under a Labour government has meant for the NHS.

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    Blair warns against independence


    Prime minister Tony Blair has warned against creating an independent NHS. He said it would slow down decision-making and be in danger of becoming distracted by special interest groups.

  • News

    Diagnostic test waiting times released by DoH


    Diagnostics waiting times and activity data for February and the census of all diagnostic tests up to December 31 2006 have been published by the Department of Health.The data shows progress in tackling waiting times for tests such as scans. The monthly data gives the waiting times for 15 key ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on grievances


    Groups of professionals find it remarkably difficult to talk about anything other than the day job. A cluster of doctors will swap stories - in confidence of course - about interesting and demanding patients.

  • News

    Web system to monitor C Difficile hotspots


    The Department of Health has announced it setting up a new web-based system to monitor Clostridium difficile.The new system, similar to the one used to monitor MRSA, will show where cases occur rather than just assigning all cases to the trust reporting the problem.The DoH hopes it will identify C ...

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    Trusts face legal action over disability duty


    Nineteen NHS trusts are being threatened with court action by the Disability Rights Commission for failing to produce evidence that they do not discriminate against disabled patients or staff.

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    Ambulance staff falsified response-time figures


    Ambulance control room staff changed response-time figures, improving the trust's performance against government targets, an Audit Commission investigation has revealed.

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    Monitor publishes revised compliance framework


    Monitor has published a revised version of the compliance framework, following consultation.The updated framework includes amendments to indicators used to derive annual and in-year financial risk ratings; definitions, thresholds and reporting requirements for major investments; and refinement of membership plans to introduce greater focus on progress towards the development of ...

  • News

    ONS launches medicines distribution study


    The Office for National Statistics has launched a market study into the distribution of medicines in the UK.This decision follows recent and proposed distribution changes by leading UK medicine suppliers.Read more here

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    Healthcare Commission praises pathology departments


    A Healthcare Commission review has praised pathology departments for quick processing of tests and longer opening hours.But the review also urges departments to consider consistency of services and value for money.Read the review here

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Trust, Assurance and Safety - the reaction


    This link provides a round-up of 15 responses to the white paper Trust, Assurance and Safety - the regulation of health professionals, published by the British Medical Association, royal colleges and other major health organisations.

  • News

    Commissioning: Hewitt slams 'unacceptable' interference by trusts


    Patricia Hewitt has criticised the 'unacceptable' practice of trust managers instructing hospital consultants not to discuss reworking patient pathways with GPs.

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    Improving picture for imaging


    Waiting times for scans and imaging procedures have fallen - but there are still 'unacceptable' waits that could impact on trusts' ability to hit 18-week targets.

  • News

    Out-of-hours firms under review


    Two out-of-hours providers have just a few weeks to prove their services are up to scratch, HSJ can reveal.

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    Commission 'scapegoating' trusts over safety


    The Healthcare Commission is too quick to 'scapegoat' trusts that seek patient safety advice, potentially deterring chief executives from seeking help.

  • News

    Long-term care patients out of pocket


    Primary care trusts failed to reimburse fully patients who funded their own long-term care - because of poor Department of Health guidelines, the health ombudsman has said.

  • Comment

    Consistency and agreement are needed to spread success


    'The MPs' committee calls for lessons learned from the turnaround programme to be shared. But evidence for its effectiveness is opaque'.

  • News

    Commission to look at learning disabilities accusations


    The Healthcare Commission has said it will review six cases highlighted by learning disability charity Mencap of people with learning disabilities who died from physical illnesses.Mencap has accused the NHS of institutional discrimination against people with learning disabilities, saying their physical health needs are ignored.Meanwhile the Department of Health has ...

  • News

    Commissioner demands a better deal for children


    Children's hospital services are woefully inadequate, a Healthcare Commission review has shown. Children's commissioner Al Aynsley-Green said was the verdict was 'disappointing but not surprising'.