All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 155

  • News

    Pharmaceutical company ordered to withdraw advertising


    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has requested Pfizer to withdraw an advertisement making potentially misleading claims about Zyvox (linezolid), an antibiotic used to treat certain types of serious infection.The MHRA became aware of the advertisement in the BMJ claiming that Zyvox has superior cure rates compared to products ...

  • News

    Changes to GP regulation welcomed by managers


    Primary care managers have welcomed the government's white paper on regulation of health professionals.

  • News

    Children's services branded patchy


    NHS children's hospital services in England are still struggling to meet government standards, according to the Healthcare Commission.The commission's review found that many hospitals are not systematically providing training in children's needs in areas such as life support, pain assessment, child protection, communication and play.Read more here

  • News

    Committee sets audiology inquiry date


    The health select committee has given a date for an evidence session into audiology services in England.The session will be held on 8 March. Witnesses include the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, health minister Ivan Lewis and hearing aid firm Ultravox.

  • News

    Monitor criticised for data demand


    The foundation trust regulator Monitor must not seek to 'enhance' its regulatory role, Foundation Trust Network director Sue Slipman has warned.

  • News

    Historic changes to pharmacy profession


    The chief pharmaceutical officers from England, Scotland, and Wales have revealed plans for historic changes to the regulation of the pharmacy profession.The measures, which form part of the white paper on professional regulation, will see the formation of two separate bodies to oversee pharmacy. One organisation will act as a ...

  • News

    Half of ambulance trusts missing response targets


    Half of England's ambulance trusts are missing response targets despite a service shake-up designed to improve performance.

  • News

    DoH to publish professional regulation white paper


    The Government will today publish the professional regulation white paper Trust, Assurance and Safety - the regulation of health professionals in the 21st Century. It is set to herald a major shake-up in the way doctors are regulated in the UK.The Department of Health is acting after chief medical officer ...

  • News

    No single cause for NHS deficits, says government


    Causes for NHS deficits are numerous, have arisen over a number of years and cannot be attributed to one isolated factor, according to the government.The claims came in a response to an earlier Commons health select committee report on deficits in the NHS.Read the report here

  • News

    Witnesses called to PPI evidence sessions


    Health minister Rosie Winterton is among those who have been called to give evidence into patient and public involvement in the NHS before the Commons health select committee.Other witnesses include NHS South East Coast chief executive Candy Morris, NHS Confederation director of policy Nigel Edwards, NHS Confederation PCT Network chair ...

  • News

    National Audit Office slates DoH over £12m Dr Foster deal


    The Department of Health has been savaged by the National Audit Office for the handling of its £12m deal with healthcare information analysts Dr Foster.

  • News

    GPs to face tougher tests on surgery


    The government is to publish national standards for minor surgery carried out in primary care.

  • News

    News anlaysis: germinators look to Europe for next ideas in superbug war


    The Dutch experience shows it is possible to get on top of MRSA and other superbugs - but it will be costly. Meanwhile, some UK hospitals are pioneering simple but effective strategies that could help turn the tide of deadly infections, writes Alison Moore

  • News

    MHRA to consult on Cyclo-f


    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is to carry out a consultation on whether Cyclo-f, a medicine for the treatment of heavy periods, should be available over the counter.Dr June Raine, director of vigilance and risk management of medicines at the MHRA, says that being able to buy the ...

  • News

    Society calls for end to unnecessary suffering


    The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has called on the government to stop the unnecessary suffering caused by accidents to 2 million children each year by backing the recommendations in a new report from the Audit Commission and Healthcare Commission.The report, Better ...

  • News

    Inquiry into electronic patient record launched


    The Commons health select committee is to hold an inquiry into the electronic patient record, looking at what patient information will be held on the systems, who will have access to it and whether patient confidentiality can be protected.Organisations and individuals are invited to submit written evidence.Find out more here

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Clinicians under the spotlight


    Tackling performance problems is rarely easy, but there is experienced support to call on. Dr Rosemary Field explains

  • News

    NHS urged to learn from mistakes


    NHS trusts should do more to learn from patients' complaints and to handle the issues raised quickly, efficiently and locally, says a report from the Healthcare Commission today. It looked at the recurring themes in 16,000 complaints it was asked to independently review last year.Download the report ...

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: disaster planning


    ‘Four black Mercedes limousines with police outriders screeched to a halt outside trust HQ heralding the arrival of the McKashsky consultants’

  • News

    C difficile cases up 5pc on last year, says HPA


    Cases of the infection Clostridium difficile have risen by over 5 per cent in the past year, according to figures published this week by the Health Protection Agency.