All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 157

  • News

    More power to scrutiny


    Stuart Shepherd looks at how scrutiny committees are tackling the growing problem of obesity in Britain

  • News

    Radiation overdose triggers probe


    Immediate inspections of Scotland's five cancer radiotherapy centres will be held after a report into a radiation overdose found a catalogue of failings.

  • News

    Some trusts will stay in red, MPs warn


    Some NHS trusts will never get back into financial balance, one of the government's turnaround advisers has admitted.

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    Mike White on politics


    'Would an NHS constitution require primary legislation? How would an arm's-length board be accountable? Tricky'

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    Michael white on politics


    'The GMC last month took the historic step of abandoning the principle of self-regulation. It has yet to do so officially'

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    Media watch


    The Suncalled it the 'Doctors' check-up' and the Daily Expressan 'MOT to weed out dodgy doctors'.

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    Maternity unit's near miss


    A trust has reversed its decision to close a maternity unit after threats from a local MP to raise the issue with the prime minister.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety: making the most of an incident


    Reporting of patient safety incidents in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire primary care trusts has been relatively low. An incident learning group, formed in 2004, brings together clinicians and managers to review incident reports, formal complaints and patient advice and liaison services data. Discussion enables common themes and areas of ...

  • News

    Improvement notice for trust


    Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals trust has been served with an improvement notice after it became the first trust to fail to comply with the hygiene code.

  • News

    How to be top


    What is the secret of healthcheck ratings success? Loyal staff and paying close attention to what the public expects are key ingredients, hears Lynne Greenwood, as she talks to the two acute trusts with gold-standard ratings

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on PFI passions running high


    'Call a handyman to fit a notice board? Oh no, you'll need a quote from the PFI company'

  • News

    Hewitt hints at likely loss of Monitor regulatory role


    Monitor is expected to lose its current regulatory role in the government's review of healthcare regulation, although a decision on its future will not be taken until the autumn.

  • Comment

    Healthcheck ratings: tougher test means story must be retold


    The Healthcare Commission said it would be a tougher test - and so it has proved. In the first national healthcheck ratings only two dozen organisations were rated excellent for service quality, and even fewer for their use of resources. Only half of NHS organisations met all the core standards, ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New guidance revolutionises NHS waste management


    A recent Department of Health memorandum looks set to cause the greatest shake up of waste management within the NHS since the disappearance of the hospital incinerator.

  • News

    Performance: patients' reviews to go online


    Patients will be given the chance to rate the service they have received from GPs and hospitals on a website set up by Department of Health.

  • News

    NAO quizzed on 'glowing' IT report


    The National Audit Office has been told to continue to monitor the progress of the national programme for IT in the NHS after producing a report which surprised MPs with its positive conclusions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get together


    A new inspection regime - the comprehensive area assessment - is to be rolled out for a range of local services. HSJ and sister title LGC collected the great and the good to discuss how it will affect their work

  • News

    Foundation will take on troubled Good Hope


    Heart of England foundation trust has been given the go-ahead to take over Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham.

  • Comment

    A freedom framework will unite former foes


    With the debate about freedom from political interference raging, strategic health authority chief executive Mark Britnell outlines his model for compromise and wonders what an NHS charter might contain

  • News

    Inside track: finance - what's on managers' minds this week


    'What we don't need is more negative images perpetuated by those at the centre'