All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 161

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    Apology after appointments code breach


    The NHS Appointments Commission breached the code of openness and transparency in its controversial appointment of a chair for NHS London.

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    Brent PCT faces scrutiny after council wrangle


    Brent primary care trust is under investigation by NHS London following concerns over its governance and financial management.

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    NHS and politics inseparable, says PM adviser


    An NHS independent of politics and politicians is 'a chimera' and risks undermining its tax-funded base, Professor Paul Corrigan, health adviser to the prime minister, told a King's Fund debate last week.

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    NPSA 'struggling' with adverse incident reports


    The troubled National Patient Safety Agency is 'struggling' to cope with the massive number of reports it receives from trusts, the chief medical officer has revealed.

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    Walker claims admissions of failure show assessment works


    Admissions by trusts that they are not meeting core safety, hygiene, training and equality standards show self-assessment works, Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker has said.

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    Staff asked to stay at home as Scarborough accounts come under investigation


    Scarborough and North Yorkshire Healthcare trust chief executive Alison Guy and director of finance Bernard Flynn have been asked to stay at home while the trust board and the local strategic health authority scrutinise accounting procedures.

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    Regional contrasts exposed in access to mental healthcare


    Mental health patients in parts of England have little or no access to care and treatment, health and social care watchdogs have found.

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    Directors resign as report finds 'many years' of abuse


    People with learning disabilities were hit, pushed and dragged by staff working for an NHS trust in Cornwall, a joint investigation by the Healthcare Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection has found.People with learning disabilities were hit, pushed and dragged by staff working for an NHS trust in ...

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    Welsh 999 boss hails progress


    Welsh Ambulance Services trust chief executive Alan Murray has defended his trust against official figures showing it is missing response targets. He claims the service is exceeding its target of 60 per cent of services meeting life-threatening calls in eight minutes.

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    Patients treated in 18 weeks on the increase


    Referral to treatment times for April show that the number of patients being treated in 18 weeks is rising.

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    Monitor hails £75m surplus at foundation trusts


    The strong financial performance of foundation trusts last year proved the merits of giving successful trusts greater autonomy, Monitor chair Bill Moyes has claimed.

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    Fight against superbugs given £50m boost


    Patient safety representatives have praised the new health secretary's commitment to tackling hospital-acquired infections.

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    Trusts face 15 public productivity rankings


    All acute and primary care trusts are to have their performance publicly ranked against 15 efficiency indicators from this summer.

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    Funding row could see 1,800 patients rejected by foundation


    A foundation trust has become the first in the country to turn patients away after the escalation of a public row with its primary care trust over funding.

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    Independent providers opened up to public scrutiny


    The Healthcare Commission has launched a new web service that provides patients and the public with information about performance in independent acute hospitals, mental health units and independent sector treatment centres.Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker, said: 'We want to make sure that patients have access to information about the ...

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    MHRA issues safety warning about blood glucose meters


    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has identified a safety problem with some blood glucose meters which, under certain conditions, may display the wrong units of measurement.This could result in an insulin overdose and hypoglycaemic coma.The MHRA has issued advice following a number of reports of adverse incidents where ...

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    New assisted reproduction proposals published


    The government has also published a white paper setting out its proposals for an overhaul of the law on assisted human reproduction and embryology research and the bodies that regulate this area and the use of human tissues.The paper says a Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos, to be known ...

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    Exclusive: PCT fitness bill hits £6.5m


    The primary care trust fitness for purpose programme cost the Department of Health £6.5m, HSJhas learned.

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    Medicines agency reports progress on over-the-counter medicines


    Good progress is being made on the better regulation of over-the-counter medicines initiatives, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has found. In its second report on the initiative, the agency found developments include rollout of a self-certification scheme for prescriptions-only medicine and a review ...