All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 162

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cold comfort for the waitbusters


    From planner to manager, Matthew Kershaw finds himself with the challenge of delivering the care pathway he helped to develop

  • News

    Monitor will demand service level figures from foundation trusts


    Monitor is set to instruct foundation trusts to provide more accurate information about the financial performance of each of their services.

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    Hit squads set to swoop over Scottish cancer targets


    Cancer hit squads are to be sent into Scottish NHS boards to ensure that targets on waiting times are met.

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    Audit Commission says PCTs should fine acutes for errors


    The job of clinical coding should be given a higher priority within NHS trusts in order to make payment by results work, according to the Audit Commission.

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    Failing trusts can be shut down


    A new super-regulator will have the power to shut down failing trusts and services, the Department of Health has revealed.

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    New agenda replaces targets


    The Department of Health is to focus on quality, safety and patient experience - leaving the Healthcare Commission to ensure compliance against locally set priorities, according to director of commissioning Duncan Selbie.

  • Comment

    Power to close NHS organisations gives super-regulator super-teeth


    A long delay can create its own sense of drama - such is the case with the regulatory review which has been promised for the best part of a year and gone through various drafts (including a complete overhaul by McKinsey). In the event, the result published this week makes ...

  • News

    Healthcare watchdog finds patients' NHS experience differs


    People who are older, from an ethnic minority group or disabled report different experiences of the NHS than the rest of the population.These new findings published today by the Healthcare Commission found that older people tend to give a more positive experience of services in the NHS than younger uses. ...

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    Minister demands action on social care underperformance


    For the first time since the star-ratings were introduced, no council in England has been zero-star rated for adult social services this year. However, there are still a number of councils who need to up their game, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis.'I remain concerned about the 21 councils ...

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    MPs to probe NHS IT


    The Commons health select committee has published its outline programme for 2008 and will be conducting additional inquiries into NHS IT, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, and audiology services.The committee is already investigating workforce planning and had previously announced that it would be investigating patient and public ...

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    Consultation launched on promotion of NHS services


    The Department of Health has launched proposals for a self-regulatory approach to promotion of NHS services, underpinned by a code of practice. Consultation on the code is open until 28 February.To see the code go here

  • Comment

    Janet Askham on the need to improve patient feedback


    'If we continue to ask patients to give up their time to provide valuable feedback on their doctor's performance, surely we owe it to them at least to ask the right questions?'

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    Department of Health launches GP satisfaction survey


    A survey asking 5 million patients to rate their satisfaction with their GP is launched today.The GP patient experience survey, Your Doctor, Your Experience, Your Say, is part of the improved access scheme directed enhanced service. The results will be used to reward GPs ...

  • News

    National learning disabilities audit updated


    The Healthcare Commission has published an update on its forthcoming audit of services for people with learning disabilities.It outlines which types of services will be reviewed, the pilot schemes now under way to test the methodology and plans for the national roll out.The update can be found ...

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    Annual healthcheck overhauled


    The Healthcare Commission has revised the criteria that will be used to assess NHS trusts' performance against the core standards in 2006-07.It takes into account new targets, revised policy as well as attempting to reduce repetition and increase clarity.See the revised criteria here

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    Joint health and social care regulation body delayed as plans are left out of Queen's Speech


    The merger of the health and social care inspectorates looks set to be delayed by at least six months following the absence of a bill to implement it in the Queen's Speech.

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    PEC proposals promise equality for clinicians and managers


    Clinicians and managers will be expected to work together to take joint decisions on commissioning under radical proposals to reform professional executive committees.

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    Dental association: NHS should not be given more regulatory powers


    The British Dental Association has said the NHS should not be given regulatory powers but supports maintaining the current number of regulators. In its response to the Department of Health's consultation on the regulation of non-medical healthcare professionals, the BDA also supported a revalidation scheme being introduced to ensure dental ...

  • Comment

    Listening to complaints


    David Lee's article on listening to complaints was engaging. What would have been really useful is a sense of what has actually changed in the day-to-day operation of services and the impact on patient care, efficiency and staff relations.

  • News

    Turnaround help for a third of acutes as deficits reach £1.2bn gross


    More than one-third of all acute trusts and a quarter of all primary care trusts are receiving turnaround support as it was revealed that deficits in the NHS are climbing again.