All Regulation/inspection articles – Page 48

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive director team revealed


    NHS Improvement executive team names revealed The new organisation, replacing Monitor and the TDA, will today set out how it plans to work Announces new ‘improvement faculty’ and networks for clinical leaders No competition and cooperation director in top team NHS Improvement has appointed its executive director team, ...

  • GP and patient
    HSJ Local

    CCG to beef up conflict of interest prevention after whistleblower concerns


    COMMISSIONING: A clinical commissioning group has admitted its system for ensuring there was no conflict of interest in the commissioning of primary care services must be improved, HSJ can reveal.

  • St George’s Hospital
    HSJ Local

    FT’s deficit slide remains a mystery after damning leadership report


    Extracts of report make serious criticisms of trust’s financial management Report said “it was difficult to understand” why governance issues were not picked up earlier Trust refuses to release full 350 page review into how it ended up with £17m deficit FINANCE: St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust ...

  • Wexham Park Hospital

    CQC hails merger trust for ‘most impressive’ ever transformation


    CQC says Wexham Park Hospital’s improvement under Frimley Health FT is “most impressive” it has seen Rating upgraded from “inadequate” to “good” Hospital was run by Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals FT until October 2014 The Care Quality Commission has praised the “remarkable” improvement in care at Wexham ...

  • Regulation jpg
    HSJ Knowledge

    Get to the bottom of the CQC strategy consultation


    Improving its use of data, a single shared view of quality and assessment of the use of resources are among the key focus areas in the Care Quality Commission’s final consultaion on its 2016-21 strategy. Samantha Cox writes

  • community services care worker elderly woman patient

    CQC makes wage pledge in bid to dampen patient expert row


    CQC makes wage pledge to all “experts by experience”’ who transfer to new contractor Move follows anger at reports that Remploy was planning to cut hourly rates by more than half All who transfer will be guaranteed £15 per hour for first six months of the contract The ...

  • Nurse

    30,000 nurses due for revalidation in just three months


    Almost 5 per cent of England’s nursing workforce are due to undergo revalidation in the first quarter of 2016-17, official papers reveal.

  • Man with clipbaord making notes

    New NHS review standards inspired by Kirkup inquiry


    Document sets out 22 principles set out for external reviews of clinical services Follows recommendation by the Morecambe Bay inquiry for systemic guidance Includes key principles of openness and transparency, and ensuring regulators New standards for NHS organisations to follow when commissioning invited reviews of clinical services have ...

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: Regulators plot new 'single view of quality'


    CQC chief executive says local NHS should change its quality monitoring and governance The CQC “will use NHS Improvement’s assessment of efficiency” Regulator has “come away from the use of the phrase co-regulation” The Care Quality Commission has promised to develop a “single shared view of quality” across ...

  • Hands up

    Healthwatch England will have ‘freedom to criticise CQC’


    Healthwatch England will remain free to criticise the Care Quality Commission even after it has been “embedded” into the regulator, the CQC’s chief executive has promised.

  • Growth

    Fees hike will make CQC 'more accountable', says Behan


    CQC’s greater reliance on fees will mean “becoming more accountable”, says chief executive David Behan says CQC is in a similar financial position to many of the organisations it regulates Providers “will expect us to demonstrate value for money” Increasing the share of the Care Quality Commission’s funding ...

  • Steve Kell

    CQC fee rise would be 'detrimental' to patients


    NHS Clinical Commissioners says proposed CQC fee increases would be “detrimental to patients” Group says regulator should demonstrate its own “value for money” before hiking fees Claims increase could cost trusts seven band 5 nurses and “increase variation” in general practice NHS Clinical Commissioners has claimed that proposals ...

  • Jigsaw puzzle
    HSJ Knowledge

    Quality and finance must unite in the war on variation


    Bringing together the quality and finance agendas is important to reduce conflict of interests

  • 2016 jpg

    The 21 questions the NHS must answer this year


    2016 is one of the NHS’s rare ‘years of opportunity’. The questions below will determine whether it is a success or failure

  • Front of Medway Maritime Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Medway remains in special measures as regulators consider next steps


    REGULATION: Medway Foundation Trust is set to remain in special measures while regulators consider “the best option to improve services” after it was again rated “inadequate”.

  • Whitehall

    CQC to have government grant cut by a quarter


    CQC to have its government grant cut by 25 per cent over four years Overall budget to be reduced by 13 per cent by 2019-20, with grant cut offset by fee rises Regulator will have to absorb £6.2m of additional “cost pressures” The Care Quality Commission is to ...

  • Durham
    HSJ Local

    Monitor investigates hospital trust over £14.7m predicted deficit


    Monitor has launched an investigation into the finances at County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust after the acute trust predicted a deficit of £14.7m for this financial year.

  • Workforce

    NHS told to achieve nine 'must dos' during 2016-17


    NHS providers across a quarter of England must meet four out of 10 clinical standards for seven day services during 2016-17 Local areas told they must achieve nine ‘must dos’ including eliminating NHS deficit Focus on achieving waiting time and care access targets Every local health system has ...

  • Evidence
    HSJ Knowledge

    Reports must ensure the facts speak for themselves


    Trusts and watchdogs should develop the habits of good investigators

  • Richmond House

    NHS mandate: Government demands progress in 'transformation areas'


    The government has set out its priorities for the NHS during this parliament, including designating areas of the country as “transformation areas”. NHS England will have to begin publishing new clinical commissioning group assessment ratings.