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Not just Nicholson, but also all his hand-picked yes-men (and women ) who have been eased into senior positions duuring the current reshuffle without proper transparency or accountability around the process should go, as they carry the same blameless complacency culture. This is not brass neck, it is a delusional psychosis. agre with the majority of previous comments - how will outcomes ever improve when the same incompetents are shuffled around posts, with uselessness being rewarded by promotion?
When is anyone going to have the guts to challenge the emperor's new clothes of the fictitious £20bn QIPP agenda - this figure is not based on realistic accounting, and there has been no evidence to date of any significant reinvestment of the monies scrimped and saved by reducing patient care back into the health economy. So much for CCGs taking control of the service and addressing local needs - the same dead hands as before have got the NHS by the larynx and are squeezing any life or true practice innovation out of it.
Time for a Stalinesque pogrom of the entire politburo.

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