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o We should be obtaining feedback about every single Health & Care organisation, not just the usual suspects, then putting to action that feedback.

o Why can we not have one single, simple website where patients can detail their views on their local CCG, HWB, Local Authority for JSNAs ...etc?

o It’s the most simplest thing to do surely, and service users / customers have the most important voice of all.

o Tesco's, Virgin airline etc develop their future strategies and service offerings based on continued, meaningful feedback from their users/customers.

o It's the basics of delivering optimum customer service. Just look at the Kaiser model in the US.

o I have NEVER EVER been asked my view or feedback on my JSNA, Local Authority, hospital yes, but then hospitals are easy to have a shot at, when for me they deliver the best care where the aforementioned fail considerably.

o Is patient feedback the latest politicking phrase and just more rhetoric?

o Does anyone really care what we think or are is it another point-scoring, tabloid header, when in reality all that is happening is patients occasionally feedback and fill in forms that gather dust in filing cabinets.

o Where’s the evidence my feedback will make changes happen?

o When, where and how do I get to feedback about the WHOLE system, not just selective parts?

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