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Can you do an article summarising the key numbers, eg how many people do we think have had it. In particular in high risk groups. And how cases are converting to admissions, for example how many beds does weekly growth convert to?

Based on the numbers I’d guess were seeing 100-200k a week more infections than two weeks ago (probably many more given asymptomatics) and this is converting into needing around 1000 extra beds a week maybe 10-20000 bed days? Get someone to work through what this adds up to.

It would also be good to have some numbers on the percentage of vulnerable people vaccinated. Surely reducing the risk of this cohort by 50-90% is going to start having an impact pretty soon given we’ve now done the best part of a million

I’d love to see something other than end of the world reporting. It feels like we are nearing the peak and should start seeing improvements. Especially if everyone does their bit. I for one would welcome some enforcement of mask wearing on public transport.

We should also set the challenge to vaccinate the U.K. in one month and put all our efforts behind this. I am struggling to see why this is so difficult as anyone with a functioning hand can give a simple jab yet we are humongously overcomplicating this task. Why on earth do I need an up to date manual handling certificate? Is the Oxford vaccine coming in 100l drums??

Surely some positive messages that we are going to get this sorted is better than endless doom and gloom?

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