All articles by Richard Vize – Page 10
PCTs that venture into NICE's territory face dangers
The move by public health directors to play a lead role in advising on new treatments puts primary care trusts squarely on territory that was previously dominated by NICE.
BMA staff survey: excoriating verdict on out-of-touch union
It is not just the government that finds the British Medical Association out of touch and stuck in its ways.
Introducing Board Talk, the new voice for non-execs
Today HSJ is launching Board Talk, a free service on for trust non-executive directors.
Fines could turn access screw - if they do not scare off GPs
The plans being discussed by junior health minister Lord Darzi to effectively fine GPs when patients inappropriately use walk-in centres, accident and emergency departments and minor injury units, illuminate some of the darker corners of primary care policy.
If it is this bad for staff, it is no wonder that patients complain
The annual Healthcare Commission staff survey has revealed a communication chasm between senior managers and staff.
HSJ Awards: give your team something to celebrate
This week we launch the health service's annual celebration of excellence - the HSJ Awards.
PCTs must take action to tackle quality framework disparities
The data HSJ reveals today on the patients GPs exempt under the quality and outcomes framework raises questions about whether the system is being abused.
Care Quality Commission: open your wallet and pay for real talent
For a department renowned for its largesse when it comes to remuneration, it is difficult to understand why the Department of Health is being so parsimonious when it comes to the salary for the chair of the new Care Quality Commission.
Darzi's national blueprint must leave room for local innovation
The King's Fund's response to the consultation on reforming London's healthcare following Lord Darzi's landmark report is a scene-setter for the debate that will follow the publication of his national strategy in July.
Use it or lose it: freedom from Whitehall is a two-way street
At last week's Primary Care Trust Network conference, the discussion with NHS chief executive David Nicholson revealed how hard it is for the centre to let go - especially when local health services won't release their grip on the Department of Health's hand.
PCT rebrand will help end identity crisis
Public sector rebranding exercises are often seen as a costly and pointless distraction. But the proposal to rebrand primary care trusts - so Oldham PCT would become NHS Oldham, for example - makes a great deal of sense and does not need to cost money.
NHS pyramid scheme remains unchanged
This week's report by HSJ shows that progress on driving up the lamentable levels of black and minority ethnic representation in NHS management ranks has stalled.
Premises buy-back is yet more ammo for anti-private brigade
Our revelation this week that the government made deals with the providers of the independent sector treatment centres to buy back their premises is another blow to a controversial policy. According to a document unearthed in the House of Commons library, the bill could reach £187m.
Is government taking liberties with the foundation principle?
The argument between the foundation trust lobby and the Department of Health over foundations’ freedoms goes to the heart of the debate about the role of politics in health policy.
Find the funds to keep violence in check
Uniquely among the main care disciplines, mental health services routinely have to manage a triangle of potentially violent relationships: patients attacking staff, patients attacking each other and - when it comes to restraining aggression - staff using force on patients.
The BMA is standing between patients and a better service
Not content with grossly misrepresenting the government's position on opening hours, the British Medical Association has now resorted to sabotage to block modernisation of our primary care services.
HSJ Knowledge
Help us identify the NHS's biggest figures
In the first week of July, when the NHS will celebrate its diamond jubilee, HSJ will be publishing the names of the 60 most influential figures in the service's history, and we would like your help in drawing up the roll of honour.
Preventive care rhetoric could become reality
Gordon Brown's keynote health speech was not just a crucial moment in the bid to relaunch his premiership (for more details, click here). As the NHS heads towards its 60th anniversary, his government's ability to deliver these reforms will have a profound impact on the service's long-term future.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS 60: help mark the birth of an institution
This week HSJ launches six months of coverage marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the NHS on 5 July 1948.
Operating framework's localist spin unravels
Will NHS chief executive David Nicholson be eating words as well as turkey this Christmas?