All articles by Richard Vize – Page 13
Herts bags early winner with stadium bid
As the football season cranks into action, Watford have scored an early goal in a PFI partnership with West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust.The trust hopes to share£80m-£100m of its costs by building a new hospital in Watford as part of a development encompassing a new stadium, housing, a hotel and conference ...
Darzi takes the blows as review develops
'Darzi says his rapid consultations around the country, as he prepares his interim report for October's comprehensive spending review, demonstrate widespread support for the current direction of reform'
Established GPs prepare to feel the heat of big business
'Running a practice may not be a huge money-spinner for commercial firms, but the rewards from a greater role in commissioning could be considerable'
The public needs reassurance that it is in the safest hands
'Such big jumps need analysis. Are employers becoming more lax in their approach? Or is it just a statistical anomaly?'
Target-driven department is off the mark
'Reforming the DoH to make it an effective and respected department is an important step on the road to rebuilding NHS confidence in the government'
Ministers must win battle on provision to fulfil early promise
'While other parts of the public sector have learned to work with a mixed economy, the NHS still flinches at the idea of private involvement'
Fewer targets means more accountability
'The reduction in targets does not mean data collection will be weakened. For example, health inequalities cannot be monitored without understanding smoking cessation, obesity and infant mortality'
It's a question of trust: will the new ministers devolve power?
'Central control is a far more natural response from Brown than trusting local freedom and competition'
Ringfencing is only a short-term cash fix
'Local flexibility is a principle that needs defending. Ringfencing is only convenient so long as the political wind is blowing in your direction'
London review: everyday problems at heart of proposals
'Darzi argues that his approach to this study - listening to Londoners, building a clinical consensus, providing evidence for the recommendations, working with the mayor and London boroughs - provides the foundations for success'
Darzi's review shows who has the power in the new top team
'Most ministers can be brought to heel by threat of the sack, but not one with a global reputation well beyond politics'
Johnson leads Brown's charm team as ministers start to listen
'Sir Ara keeping one foot in the operating theatre should encourage clinicians to have confidence that their views are listened to'
Nicholson: let local managers drive health service reforms
The NHS chief executive's advice to any incoming health secretary is to steer clear of further structural upheaval and allow managers to drive reform locally.
Frank message in Whitehall report card: must try harder
'That three people signed off the DoH's response to a report highlighting poor leadership has caused much merriment in Whitehall'
NHS Confederation rolling news: SNP stance on reconfiguration condemned
One of the architects of the modernisation of Scotland's health service has attacked the Scottish National Party's opposition to reconfiguring services.
Report points to NHS culture of bullying and bureaucracy
'Middle managers need more support to survive in the treacherous terrain between their bosses and clinicians'
BMA must engage, not take cheap shots
'Shouting from the sidelines will secure more newspaper column inches than engagement, but it will achieve less'
Independent treatment centre move redefines choice
'The DoH appears to be considering pushing PCTs to use independent sector treatment centres.- even to the extent of trying to steer patient choice'
Bill exposes flaws in plans for greater patient involvement
'One of the strengths of the local involvement networks was supposed to be that, rather than examining the services in a particular institution, they could range across a whole area to gain a rounded view of all aspects of services users' experiences'
Ofcare: 'Ambitions and metrics' mark launch of a new regulatory era
'Ofcare's performance framework commences with mea culpa, admitting what healthcare professionals have been telling the Department of Health for years - top-down targets undermine innovation, motivation and accountability to communities'