All articles by Richard Vize – Page 9
Healthcare 100: staff's chance to vote for top employers
Health service staff have the chance to rate their employer in a major new set of awards launched this week.
Will you be in the Healthcare 100 club?
This week HSJ, with our sister title Nursing Times and NHS Employers, launches the Healthcare 100, which aims to identify the 100 best healthcare employers in the country.
Darzi review will be a success when it causes managers grief
Lord Darzi’s next stage review has been met with a remarkable degree of support. The few critics have failed to shoot any substantial holes in it.
HSJ talks to Gordon Brown and Lord Darzi
While the past 10 years of NHS reform were designed to increase capacity, the next task is to increase quality and personalisation and give more power to clinicians and patients. Gordon Brown and Lord Darzi explain their plans to Richard Vize
Door slams shut on targets and opens on a world of outcomes
In the corridors of health policy there is now an unseemly rush to be the first through the door marked 'outcomes'.
Acute's leftovers won't feed public health
At the NHS Confederation conference, Nuffield Trust director Jennifer Dixon offered the heretical view that the policy of tilting NHS spending towards public health is a mistake.
Updating top-up rules need not be a dagger to the heart of NHS
Just days before its 60th birthday the NHS is being forced to re-evaluate its founding principle - that treatment is based on clinical need not the ability to pay.
BMA campaign trades on fear and ignorance
One has to admire the British Medical Association. Getting people to campaign against health service closures is easy, but it takes a particular talent to get the public to campaign against service openings.
Sacking managers may attract headlines but won't fix problems
After 11 years of public service reform, the government's record is still dogged by poor performance. The failure regime unveiled last week shows ministers are running out of patience.
Ambitious plan will require innovation
The evaluation by the Audit Commission and the Healthcare Commission of the progress of NHS reforms is a wake-up call for foundation trust managers.
Monitor survey shows distance still to travel on FT governance
A survey of foundation trust governors by regulator Monitor reveals the distance still to travel to develop effective governance.
DH must step in to protect the vulnerable
The government needs to rethink its plan to exclude sectioned mental health patients from the protection of the Corporate Manslaughter Act for up to five years.
Vulnerable people's fate must not fall to faceless bureaucracy
Health secretary Alan Johnson has called for a 'national debate' on how we will meet the needs and costs of an ageing population.
Drugs' benefits go further than the patient
The vertiginous rise in mental health costs predicted in a King's Fund report this week should trigger debate about which drugs are approved for use.
King's puts smart money on private sector
The decision of King's College Hospital foundation trust to appoint corporate big-hitter Tim Smart to its top job will provide a fascinating trial for private sector management techniques at the highest levels of the NHS.
Safety demands leaders at the top and power at the bottom
This week's HSJ survey on patient safety exposes a substantial perception gap between chief executives and senior managers.
Darzi review: SHAs must not take over role of centraliser
The wraps are finally coming off - region by region, details are emerging of what the review spearheaded by Lord Darzi will mean for patients and the balance of power in the NHS.
Post-operative care: help patients on the road to recovery
The Healthcare Commission's survey of inpatients' experiences, published today, reveals a need for more management focus on the part of the hospital journey that is often neglected - what happens after the operation.
Independent sector sceptics must be won over
This week's interview with Channing Wheeler, commercial director general at the Department of Health, highlights the complexity of the relationship between the NHS and the independent sector.
Darzi review kicks central control out of the frame
Tomorrow junior health minister Lord Darzi releases another part of his next stage review. It demonstrates some deft political footwork.