All Royal College of Nursing (RCN) articles – Page 14
Lib Dems vote against local pay
The Liberal Democrats have voted overwhelmingly to adopt a policy opposing local pay in the public sector, in a move expected to put new pressure on employers considering breaking away from national deals.
Child epilepsy care variations revealed
There are serious geographical variations in care for children who suffer from epilepsy, leading doctors have warned.
Constitution review set to promote compassion and evidence-based commissioning
A government-commissioned review is likely to recommend all new nurses and healthcare assistants are screened for their values and ability to be compassionate.
Call to scrap regional pay 'to rescue economy'
Scrapping national pay bargaining in the public sector would save more than £6 billion a year that should be used to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, an influential think-tank has urged.
Revealed: extent of harm to patients under NHS care
More than 20 per cent of patients suffer avoidable harm during their care at some trusts, a national survey of frontline NHS services has revealed.
12,000 NHS posts unfilled
More than 12,000 NHS job posts have not been filled after people have retired, quit or moved on to other organisations, figures suggest.
NHS on course to lose pensions advantage
The NHS’s competitive advantage is set to be significantly weakened by a move to offer the NHS pension to all private sector staff working on clinical contracts funded by the service.
Bed waiting times soar for A&E admissions
The number of patients waiting more than four hours in emergency departments for a bed to become available has rocketed in the past year, HSJ analysis reveals.
Hospitals face 'voting booths' in A&E to measure patient experience
Hospitals may have to install voting booths in inpatient wards and A&E to measure patient experience, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Knowledge
Why now is the time to invest in community care
Care in the community will ease nursing pressures and help patients but it is not going to happen by accident, says Peter Carter
Anger over failure to agree social care funding
The government’s failure to agree a funding plan for social care have been greeted with disappointment from across the health sector.
Quarter of CQC inspections reveal essential standards not met
Fewer than three out of four of the 14,000 health and social care sites inspected by the Care Quality Commission met all essential standards around quality and safety.
Staff consulted on terms and conditions changes
NHS staff are to be surveyed on controversial plans to reduce the pay bill by modifying their employment terms and conditions.
'Surveillance groups' to monitor provider quality
The standard of care being delivered by providers is to be scrutinised at regular “surveillance groups” under plans to ensure quality in the reformed NHS, HSJ has learned.
NHS 111 roll out delayed
The government has extended the deadline for the roll out of NHS 111 by up to six months following pressure from unions and clinical commissioning groups.
Large rise in shifts filled by agency staff
The use of agency nurses by acute and community service providers has soared by 50 per cent in a year, evidence suggests.
New patient rating system plans welcomed
Patients will be able to rate the treatment they receive in hospitals to ensure that people are treated with dignity and respect on wards, the prime minister will announce today.
RCN prepared to battle government over regional pay plans
The Royal College of Nursing is “prepared to take the government on” in its plans to impose regional pay in the NHS, according to the college’s chief executive and general secretary Peter Carter.
Michael White: gap between Lansley and nurses threatens to grow
Voting for extreme parties could happen here if patience runs out.
Miliband: attacks on nursing are 'totally unfair'
Attacking the nursing profession over isolated examples of bad practice “is totally unfair”, Labour leader Ed Miliband has told HSJ’s sister title.