All Royal College of Nursing (RCN) articles – Page 15
RCN prepared to battle government over regional pay plans
The Royal College of Nursing is “prepared to take the government on” in its plans to impose regional pay in the NHS, according to the college’s chief executive and general secretary Peter Carter.
Michael White: gap between Lansley and nurses threatens to grow
Voting for extreme parties could happen here if patience runs out.
Miliband: attacks on nursing are 'totally unfair'
Attacking the nursing profession over isolated examples of bad practice “is totally unfair”, Labour leader Ed Miliband has told HSJ’s sister title.
Concern over board FT meetings held in private
Only two out of the five acute foundation trusts which hold board meetings in private in the East of England have changed their policies, nearly a year being told to do so by the health secretary.
Miliband to attack government handling of the NHS
Labour leader Ed Miliband will today accuse the government of acting like “the masters, not the servants” of the NHS.
RCN chief 'fears' for commissioners negotiating with private sector
NHS commissioners will be “taken to the cleaners” by private sector providers, the head of the Royal College of Nursing has claimed.
Lansley faces nurses' cuts and pensions complaints
The health secretary fought to rebut complaints about service cuts and damage to pensions in his speech to the Royal College of Nursing annual congress.
RCN warns of treatment in corridors and long trolley waits
Patients are being routinely left on trolleys for hours and treated in corridors and other inappropriate areas, the Royal College of Nursing has warned in the wake of new survey results.
Unison members split on NHS pensions
A ballot of Unison members on the government’s NHS pension reform plan has failed to deliver a clear verdict, the union has announced.
NHS Direct staff uncertain over future as 111 deals pick up pace
NHS Direct staff in the North East still do not know whether they will be transferred to the new NHS 111 service due to go live in 12 months.
Agenda for Change could survive regional pay push
The Department of Health is pushing for the Agenda for Change national pay framework to survive the introduction of regional pay rates in the NHS, it has emerged.
NHS and pharmaceutical partnerships being deterred by 'misconceptions'
Opportunities for collaboration between the NHS and pharmaceutical companies are being missed due to “misconceptions” about the industry, guidance exclusively disclosed to HSJ has warned.
Lansley praises Lib Dems for strengthening bill
The Liberal Democrats were fundamental in helping to make controversial reforms of the NHS “stronger”, the health secretary has said.
RCN stalls on pensions decision after low vote turnout
The Royal College of Nursing’s council has held back from rejecting the government’s latest pensions offer after a poor ballot turnout among members.
RCN: coalition MPs turning against reforms
The Royal College of Nursing’s chief executive has said the government’s Health Bill can still be defeated, even though the prime minister has reiterated his support for the reforms.
BMA joins calls to slow down NHS 111 roll out
The British Medical Association has called on the government to “relax” the timetable for the roll out of the new non-emergency telephone number amid fears it could “destabilise” existing GP out of hours providers.
Radiographers and art therapists join opposition to the Health Bill
The professional body representing allied health professionals including radiographers, paramedics and physiotherapists has become the latest organisation to come out against the health bill.
Government urged to slow NHS 111 rollout
GPs and nurses are urging the government to slow the implementation of the new non-emergency NHS telephone number amid fears it could actually increase pressure on services.
Medical royal colleges divide over Health Bill
There is a deepening split in the position taken by the medical royal colleges towards the Health Bill.
Royal colleges will 'continue dialogue' on reform
The government looks to have avoided a major rebellion from the influential royal colleges over its plans to overhaul the NHS.