All Royal College of Physicians articles – Page 7
New acute care guidance launched
Acutely ill hospital patients should have access to consultant doctors for at least 12 hours a day, seven days a week to reduce the number of hospital deaths which occur out of hours, leading physicians have said.
Ward rounds being neglected - RCP/RCN
Short term gains from reducing ward rounds are outweighed by the improvements they bring to patient safety and timely discharge, according to clinical leaders.
RCP: Hospitals are overcrowded and short-staffed
Hospitals are so full that elderly patients are being discharged in the middle of the night and routine blood tests are being conducted at 3am, the Royal College of Physicians has warned.
Increase in new consultants affects NHS job market
An annual survey of newly-qualified medical consultants has revealed the first indications of a workforce bulge, with new medics experiencing a “hostile” jobs market.
NHS and pharmaceutical partnerships being deterred by 'misconceptions'
Opportunities for collaboration between the NHS and pharmaceutical companies are being missed due to “misconceptions” about the industry, guidance exclusively disclosed to HSJ has warned.
Physicians vote to reject the Health Bill
Physicians have overwhelmingly voted to condemn the Health Bill in its current form, but are split on whether it should be improved or scrapped.
Physicians poll supports calls for bill to be dropped
Nine in 10 Royal College of Physicians doctors want the NHS shake-up to be scrapped, it has been reported.
Lib Dems seek further Health Bill amendments
Ministers will attempt to fight off further controversy over the government’s troubled NHS reforms as the Health and Social Care Bill resumes its passage through the House of Lords today.
Quality of hospital care concerning doctors
More than a quarter of consultants think the continuity of care offered by their hospital is poor or very poor, according to a poll.
Royal colleges will 'continue dialogue' on reform
The government looks to have avoided a major rebellion from the influential royal colleges over its plans to overhaul the NHS.
EU laws 'putting patients at risk'
NHS patients are “at risk” because of European laws, the heads of two royal colleges have said.
Sexual health services should offer alcohol advice
GP commissioners and councils should in future ensure sexual health services include interventions targeted at cutting alcohol consumption among young people, according to a report published today.
Government urged to raise alcohol prices by leading medics
More expensive alcoholic drinks would save thousands of lives and prevent medical experts have said,
MS patient care not improving, report claims
NHS services for multiple sclerosis patients have barely improved at all in the past five years, a report has revealed.
Exclusive: 500 avoidable deaths a year in London due to understaffing
There are more than 500 avoidable deaths a year in emergency care each year in London, a report obtained exclusively by HSJ reveals.
Demand management schemes 'not proven'
Schemes being used to manage demand for hospital care have “limited evidence” and some may increase costs, NHS managers have been told.
Trusts missing NICE guidelines on stroke treatment
“Considerable variation” exists in the time taken to provide stroke prevention surgery, data from the Royal College of Physicians and the Vascular Society has shown.
Lansley: 'We want to take people with us'
Concessions in the NHS reforms were made under pressure from the medical professions, health secretary Andrew Lansley admitted in a speech to GPs yesterday.
Neurology care criticised by RCP
The standard of care for UK patients with conditions such as migraines, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease is inadequate to support patient needs, according to a new report.