Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
HSJ Local
South West CCG placed under legal directions
Kernow CCG placed under legal directions by NHS England due to deteriorating finances Turnaround director to be appointed Six CCGs have had legal conditions applied in 2015-16 PERFORMANCE: Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group has been placed under legal directions by NHS England.
HSJ Local
NHS consortium preferred provider for Cornwall community services
COMMERCIAL: An NHS consortium has been named as preferred provider to deliver adult community health services in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Uncertainty over agency nurse procurement in South West
Trusts in the South West face uncertainty over their procurement of agency nurses as their plans have still not been approved by regulators.
HSJ Local
Royal Cornwall chief leaves for 'personal reasons'
WORKFORCE: Bill Shields, interim chief executive of Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, has said he will step down at the end of the month for ‘personal and family reasons’.
HSJ Local
Trust-GP consortium wants to run Cornish community services
COMMERCIAL: A trio of providers has formally expressed interest in bidding to run community services across Cornwall once the incumbent provider pulls out next March, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Royal Cornwall looks to bring in improvement director
WORKFORCE: Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust has had discussions with the NHS Trust Development Authority about bringing in an improvement director to help turnaround performance, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
CCGs cut short struggling patient transport firm's contract
COMMERCIAL: A company providing non-emergency patient transport services in the South West is to have its contract cut short by two years.
HSJ Local
Volunteer support programme 'cut admissions by a third'
Emergency admissions reduced by around a third in a group of patients which was given volunteer support to combat dependency on health and care services, an evaluation has said.
Trusts shortlisted for GS1 barcoding system trials
Twelve NHS trusts have been shortlisted by the Department of Health as potential test sites for rolling out GS1 barcoding standards.
HSJ Local
NHS providers explore taking over Cornish community services
NHS trusts in Cornwall are exploring whether they could provide a suitable home for over 20 community services, HSJ has learned.
Exclusive: Cornwall set for NHS integration-devolution deal
A devolution deal for Cornwall, including greater integration and control over health and care spending, is expected to be announced by the chancellor next week, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Exclusive: Social enterprise to pull out of Cornish community services
COMMERCIAL: A social enterprise which provides community services across Cornwall and oversees the county’s 14 community hospitals has said that it will not seek an extension to its current contract, which ends in March 2016.
HSJ Local
Cornish acute and mental health trusts propose merger
STRUCTURE: Cornwall’s only mental health trust and its main acute provider have begun talks to merge the organisations.
HSJ Local
Cornwall non-profit community provider rated ‘good'
PERFORMANCE: The first non-profit provider of NHS services to be examined under the Care Quality Commission’s new inspection regime has been rated ‘good’.
HSJ Local
Exclusive: Winner of ‘blueprint’ locum agency contract named
COMMERCIAL: A service to manage locum recruitment across nine South West hospital trusts will be managed by the Accident and Emergency Agency, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
Acute trusts seek to establish 'blueprint' for regional locum agencies
COMMERCIAL: Nine South West trusts have embarked on an initiative to bring down the cost of hiring locum doctors, which it hopes will be a “blueprint” for the health service across the country.
HSJ Local
Social enterprises win Cornwall out of hours contract
COMMERCIAL: A social enterprise consortium will replace Serco as the provider of out of hours GP services across Cornwall.
HSJ Local
Cornwall trust appoints Bill Shields as interim chief
WORKFORCE: Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust has appointed Bill Shields as its interim chief executive.
HSJ Local
Integration pioneer criticised for poor relationships
A health economy designated as one of the government’s integration pioneers has been warned its poor relationships with social care are putting patients at risk, HSJ has learned.