Health secretary told to intervene over ‘systemic’ ambulance deaths
Ministers must intervene over systemic failures which are ‘too big for hospital or ambulance trusts to fix on their own’ and have led to multiple preventable deaths, a senior coroner has warned.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Trust’s concern over ‘short-term’ funding agreements
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: How a Nightingale hospital is, finally, the answer
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
HSJ Local
ICS pauses roll-out of ‘unique’ joint committees after legal advice
An integrated care system has paused its implementation of unique new joint committees that sought to bridge the gap between providers and commissioner.
A&E handover delays ‘still getting worse at some hospitals’
Ambulance chiefs say handover delays have got worse at some trusts in recent months, despite the picture improving nationally since last winter.
Concerns raised over Letby trust CEO before new appointment
Governors at a trust which hired the former chief executive of the Countess of Chester Hospital midway through the trial of Lucy Letby had raised concerns about his appointment, HSJ understands.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Leadership change comes to the peninsula
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
HSJ Local
Troubled ICS reveals ‘first in England’ shake-up of structure
Cornwall’s commissioning board and two providers are set to delegate authority to two new joint committees in what local chiefs claim is a first-of-its-kind governance shake-up for the health service.
CEO issues plea for staff housing
The chief executive of a large hospital trust in the south west has made a rare intervention to call for more housing for hospital staff.
One in 10 A&E patients waits 12hrs, long-hidden data reveals
Around 10 per cent of the 1.2 million accident and emergency attendees in February waited 12 hours or more, newly published NHS England data has revealed, laying bare the true extent of the NHS’s emergency care crisis.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Staff survey reveals a county of contrast
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
HSJ Partners
Does digital transformation hold the answer to improving patient outcomes?
At HSJ’s recent Digital Transformation Summit, board representatives from ICS and provider organisations came together to debate the most pressing issues confronting digital health leaders
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Two year waits have NOT been ‘eliminated’
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
HSJ Local
ICS plans ‘integrated NHS groups’ spanning ICB and trusts
An integrated care system that has struggled with ‘strained and challenging relationships’ is exploring ‘joint constitutional committees’ spanning its integrated care board and two provider trusts.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Not another nightmare year
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
HSJ Local
Trusts move away from joint EPR plan
A joint electronic patient record system for acute providers across two neighbouring integrated care systems is now unlikely, according to one of the trusts involved.
Trust names interim CEO after dropping merger plan
One of England’s smallest trusts has appointed an experienced interim chief executive for nine months while it recruits a permanent replacement.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: New ICS chief targets ‘immoral’ costs
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
Expert Briefing
West Country Chronicle: Inside Cornwall’s care capacity row
From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.
Finance veteran swaps Bermuda for ICS in the red
A veteran finance leader is to return to the NHS next month, after a five-year stint working as chief finance officer of Bermuda’s hospital board.