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Top quality data is key to Artificial Intelligence reaching full potential in healthcare
This is paid-for content from our commercial partners. Find out more The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly advancing across many areas of healthcare and its potential to transform services for both patient and clinician is widely acknowledged. Not only is ...
Politicians are shamed by their failure to follow Dame Sally’s lead
Policy makers and legislators should pay heed to Dame Sally Davies’ 2018 annual report that gives practical solutions to the challenges facing the health of the nation, exhorts Peter Carter
Funding announced for projects to fight antibiotic resistance
The government has unveiled some of the research projects awarded funding from its multi-million-pound fund for fighting anti-microbial resistance.
Dame Sally Davies to step down
Dame Sally Davies will step down as England’s chief medical officer at the end of September, after nine years in the post.
It is high time we stopped dying for a drink
Kailash Chand puts a question mark on the historical cultural acceptability of alcohol in view of the healthcare admissions, illnesses and trauma it causes
HSJ Clinical Leaders 2015
The Clinical Leaders for 2015 highlights 100 individuals whose clinical background is shaping the work that they do
Simon Stevens cements place as most powerful person in healthcare
Simon Stevens has been named the most powerful person in healthcare in the HSJ100, just eight months after becoming NHS England chief executive.
Our 'Cinderella service' steps into the limelight
Mental health rises belatedly to the top of the political agenda
The prize striving to solve some of the biggest health challenges of our time
The £10m Longitude Prize
HSJ Knowledge
Sugar tax will break the cycle of obesity and type 2 diabetes
Normalising junk food has exacerbated the problem
A welcome step towards parity among the sexes
Action sparked by HSJ’s women’s issue this summer
CMO forges ahead, while tabloids make a hash of things
The Mail’s outrage at Sally Davies’ student days is out of touch
Medical chief tried hash cookies
England’s chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, has admitted eating hash cookies at university.
Liver disease on the rise in England
The number of people suffering from liver disease is on the increase in England while other European countries it is decreasing, health experts said.
Games drug testing labs to become research centre
A £10m scientific research centre is to be based on the site of Olympic drug testing laboratories, David Cameron has announced.
Trusts refusing to release doctors for leadership work
Doctors are struggling to gain permission from trusts to undertake nationally important policy and leadership work, according to senior medical figures.