All articles by Sally Gainsbury – Page 11
Public sector workers to get real terms pay cuts
Public sector workers face real terms pay cuts from 2011-12 onwards, according to the Treasury’s own figures.
Pre-Budget report removes £500m in health capital spending
The Treasury appears to have removed £500m of capital spending allowances from the health budget since April.
Treasury may sell DH’s stakes in LIFT schemes
The Treasury is considering selling the Department of Health’s equity stakes in local improvement finance trust schemes.
NHS operating framework hits hard
The NHS operating framework for 2010-11 is expected to include “hard hitting” measures to cut the cost and number of hospital procedures and tackle inefficiencies in community health services.
Labour plan puts adult social care in NHS hands as ministers seek savings
Radical proposals to give the NHS responsibility for social care are expected to be at the heart of a government “vision” of how the health service will be able to thrive in the context of restricted funding.
Personal health budgets under fire
The NHS Confederation has criticised unsubstantiated “fervour” for personal health budgets.
HSJ exclusive: NHS to take responsibility for social care
The NHS is to be given far greater responsibility for social care under plans expected to be announced by the government in coming days, HSJ understands.
Treasury prepares cutback plans
Next week’s pre-Budget report will be published alongside a paper from the chief secretary to the Treasury Liam Byrne outlining how billions of pounds will be saved through public sector efficiencies.
DH and unions thrash out deal on transfer of NHS staff pensions
The Department of Health and unions are close to a deal on allowing NHS employees who transfer to the private sector to keep their NHS pension, HSJ has been told.
Next year's tariff delayed until mid-February
The Department of Health has warned the payment by results tariff for 2010-11 will be delayed due to the late publication of the pre-budget report this year.
Information Centre may sell Dr Foster Intelligence share
The NHS Information Centre is considering selling its £12m share in its controversial joint venture with Dr Foster.
One in five PCTs overspent as SHAs predict cash freeze
There has been a significant deterioration in the NHS’s finances, with more than a fifth of primary care trusts reporting overspending.
Clinical improvements could save NHS £9bn a year
The NHS could save more than £9bn in a year if trusts improved their performance in just eight “high impact” clinical areas, the chief nursing officer for England has said.
Demand management fails as trusts soak up PCT cash
Primary care trusts have failed to control demand for hospital services by transferring care into the community, research from the Audit Commission has found.
Government unveils private patient income cap proposals
The government is to look at loosening restrictions on the foundation trust private patient income cap.
DH banking on patients not claiming entitlements
Health secretary Andy Burnham has set out his proposals to give patients waiting time and health check rights.
NHS managers think nursing directors lack ‘clout’
Directors of nursing have lower status in their organisations than they believe, an extensive survey by HSJ and sister title Nursing Times has found.
DH proposals threaten trainee medic posts
A major shake-up of the way trainee doctors are funded could see hospitals cut training posts for junior doctors and swap their posts for nurses, HSJ has been told.
David Cameron pulls together threads on health policy
Conservative leader David Cameron has set out the legislative changes to healthcare the party plans to implement if it wins the next election.
Court hears private patient cap arguments
The Department of Health has raised concerns that Monitor’s definition of the private patient income cap “permits foundations and their advisers to adopt artificial structures to circumvent the cap”.