All articles by Sally Gainsbury – Page 2
Sally Gainsbury: calculating the cost of mental health
The answer is £334, not 42, according to new reference costs
Sally Gainsbury: to have and have not
Commissioners dream of stockings bulging with giant recurring uplifts
Sally Gainsbury: tariff twister
Everyone knows which NHS hospitals are the most powerful, right?
Sally Gainsbury: a new metaphor
Health service chief executives have been fond of likening the balancing of the NHS books to landing a jumbo jet on a postage stamp.
Sally Gainsbury: conspiracy and coincidence
Could a compromise be in the offing over training budget allocation reforms?
What that extra year for QIPP means
So, the Department of Health now claims 2008-09 as its year dot
Sally Gainsbury: designated fallout
CRSs mean a juggling of hot potatoes and the avoidance of avalanches
Sally Gainsbury: CCG budgets face existential crisis
Those auditors know how to spoil a good party.
Sally Gainsbury: immigrants don't hurt the NHS; dentists do
Is NHS Protect targeting low-hanging fruit?
Sally Gainsbury: new bailouts required for new deficits
One dastardly deficit decision and where it got us.
Sally Gainsbury: acute hospitals are living in Monitor's 'downside'
The regulator’s effciency savings target is worsening.
Sally Gainsbury: quiet panic at the DH
It is, as they say, the quiet ones you have to watch.
Sally Gainsbury: saving £20bn is only half the story
It looks like “four per cent” is here to stay.
Sally Gainsbury: peculiar commissioning spend estimates could threaten surpluses
CCG funds may not be all they seems, says Sally Gainsbury.
Sally Gainsbury: PFI bailouts are a sign of things to come
Those who are worried that the current top-down reconfiguration of the NHS will be the last of its kind received some good cheer last week, when the seven lucky recipients of its £1.5bn private finance initiative bailout scheme were announced.
Sally Gainsbury: just how much will public health have?
So local authorities, it appears, won’t be getting much of a public health fund after all.
Sally Gainsbury: private sector sweats on essential sensibility
Back when the white paper was first published, we had our first flurry of excitement that the new Monitor would get to tinker under the bonnet of private sector providers – all in the interests of fair regulation and ensuring continuity of services.