All Scotland articles – Page 24

  • News

    Scottish budgets reworked


    Scottish health and well-being secretary Nicola Sturgeon has unveiled a new funding formula that will see substantial redistribution of funds between health boards.

  • News

    Neurosurgery drive for Scotland


    A national service for neurosurgery is to be set up in Scotland, with current services in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow retained.

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    NHS board funding formula to change


    A new formula for allocating budgets to NHS boards in Scotland will be introduced from 2009-10.

  • News

    No to elected boards in Scotland - BMA


    The BMA is urging Scottish MPs to vote against the government’s proposal to introduce direct elections to health boards. NHS Scotland should instead focus on improving public involvement structures, the BMA says.

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    Scots prop up Healthy Living Centres with £2.5m


    The Scottish government is establishing a transition fund of £2.5m to support Healthy Living Centres at risk of closure due to funding shortfalls.

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    Carer strategies to get extra £9m


    An additional £9m will be provided to NHS boards across Scotland over the next three years to bolster the implementation of carer information strategies.

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    Scottish citizens to shape cancer strategy


    People in Scotland have been invited to take part in a 12-week consultation which will shape the nation's future cancer strategy.

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    Funding for Scottish NHS boards rises to £8bn


    Funding for NHS boards in Scotland will rise to £8bn next year, health and well-being secretary Nicola Sturgeon has announced.

  • News

    Scotland's personal care policy questioned


    Scotland's flagship free personal care policy needs to be better funded and managed if it is to work in the future, the public spending watchdog warned last week. A report from Audit Scotland reveals budget shortfalls and ambiguities in the way the policy was implemented.

  • News

    Scotland announces waiting time target


    NHS Scotland has introduced its own 18-week maximum waiting time for hospital treatment.

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    Patient experience research centre opens


    A centre for the research of patient experiences will be launched in Scotland as part of the Better Together programme.

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    Review of free personal care to report in March


    Lord Sutherland today confirmed that the independent funding review of free personal and nursing care in Scotland, which he is leading, is on track to report at the end of March.

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    NHS dentistry boost in Scotland


    New figures show a small increase in the number of NHS dentists in Scotland last year and that the number of patients registered with an NHS dentist is creeping up.

  • News

    Scottish plan to fight fraud


    NHS bodies in Scotland will be encouraged to appoint 'counter-fraud champions' in a bid to stop money being illegally siphoned from the health service.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on resource allocation


    Buried on page 39 of the 2008-09 operating framework are two bland statements. The first says primary care trusts will receive an increase of 5.5 per cent or £3.8m in revenue allocations in 2008-09, with allocations announced for one year and no changes to PCT baselines.

  • News

    Mental health review group named


    Members of the group that will undertake a limited review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 have been announced.

  • News

    Scottish anti-fraud measures launched


    NHS Scotland anti-fraud measures were due to be launched this morning by health and well-being secretary Nicola Sturgeon.

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    New hospital parking guidance for Scotland


    New guidance on hospital car parking and the introduction of a maximum charge must be implemented without delay, according to Scottish health and well-being secretary Nicola Sturgeon.

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    Scots asked if they want to elect health boards


    Scottish people are being asked if they want to spend £5m on introducing direct elections to NHS boards.

  • News

    Greater protection for Scottish NHS workers


    The Scottish government has agreed to change the law to ensure greater protection for NHS workers at risk of being abused and attacked.