Service design – Page 100
David Nicholson: ride the wave of NHS innovation
Linking quality and productivity via innovation to produce efficiency gains is the most important long term challenge facing the NHS, and it needs action at all levels
North east London hospital shake-up consultation coming soon
A consultation on the reconfiguration of hospital services in north east London is expected to start before the end of the year.
HSJ Knowledge
Self care: personal health planning
Health and care professionals are partners in the self care of people who have long term conditions and need ongoing support
Ambitious reconfiguration plan abandoned
One of the most ambitious service reconfiguration programmes in England is likely to end this month, with a board decision expected to keep the status quo.
Hinchingbrooke opens to bidding for franchise
East of England strategic health authority has advertised for a franchisee to take over deficit-hit Hinchingbrooke hospital.
Councils and NHS urged to drive joint funding
Councils and the NHS should examine how joint funding could help improve health and social care outcomes, according to an Audit Commission report.
Going local: how to set up an autonomous renal unit
Acute trust providers and primary care trust commissioners will need to work collaboratively to set up an autonomous renal unit.
Andy McKeon on NHS efficiency and pre-election sparring
The pre-election sparring has begun and the NHS will not escape some cuts. How tough things get will be a true test of how well money has been spent recently
Simon Stevens on the best healthcare system in the world
Torture the statistics until they confess. That seems to be the approach of many academics, journalists and policy wonks to the ideologically loaded question: which country’s healthcare system is best?
Controversial hospital reconfiguration cuts death rates
A controversial hospital reconfiguration has cut death rates and the time patients are staying in hospital, early figures suggest.
HSJ Knowledge
Lower leg care: no one left out on a limb
Leg Clubs are a social model for managing treatment such as ulcer care, where patients can feel in control and share information, says Julian Tyndale-Biscoe
NHS admin must be slashed by £1.5bn
NHS organisations are preparing to have to shave a third off their running costs if the Conservatives take power next year.
Andrew Lansley on a Conservative recipe for NHS reform
Competition, choice and clinician power: the shadow health secretary lists the ingredients that he would use to make NHS outcomes the best in the world
Two thirds of PCTs still to agree provider model
Two thirds of primary care trust provider arms have not yet had their future form agreed by their board and strategic health authority, a survey suggests.
Sophia Christie on getting the best from GPs
Successive governments have attempted to engage primary care in commissioning in recognition of the sector’s vital role in demand management.
HSJ Knowledge
When doctors network change can happen fast
Easy online access to shared information and peer discussion is proving a prime mover in engaging clinicians with quality assessment and transforming services
Stephen Eames on defending district general hospitals
Reconfiguration of acute and community services is bound to be on the cards again, once the dust has settled on the autumn QIPP and Monitor downside submissions.
HSJ Knowledge
How to make sexual health promotion a success
Public and patient engagement in genito-urinary and HIV services in Coventry has included a comic turn and simpler branding, reports Lynne Greenwood
HSJ Knowledge
Operating theatre management
In 2007 we examined initiatives to improve throughput of operating theatres in a large teaching hospital, with 52 operating theatres each running at an estimated cost of £4800 per day, and performing 50-60,000 operations per year.
Noel Plumridge on no-frills healthcare
Who actually likes Ryanair? For the benefit of sustainably minded readers who would not dream of blowing their hard earned moolah on a cheap weekend in Bratislava, the Ryanair pricing model starts with an unfeasibly small headline fare, supplemented by an increasingly imaginative list of charges.