Service design – Page 102
Noel Plumridge on NHS cash in a cold climate
£15bn - the “efficiency savings” the NHS is being asked to make over the coming three year cycle - is an unimaginably huge sum of money.
London's acute trusts told to plan for fewer services
London’s hospital trusts are being told to plan their future in a significantly smaller acute sector - or have it dictated to them.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS performance: GPs in the spotlight
Tight budgets mean PCTs must scrutinise all contractors to ensure they are providing the right value and quality of services - and this includes GPs. Graham Clews looks at the role of the balanced scorecard
Community services: get off your bikes
Community services need to raise their sights if they are to be ready for the funding squeeze.
Simon Stevens on an NHS budget showdown
Who gets what? Surely that is the essence of politics, and never more so than when times are tight. When a rising tide carries all boats, economic growth tends to obscure the question.
Jo Webber on NHS care scandals
At the heart of the care scandal in Mid Staffordshire foundation trust and the Baby Peter case is the need for a strong culture of questioning and scrutiny
Lessons for the UK in Obama’s universal healthcare plan
As the US president fights to secure congressional backing for reforming healthcare, Michael Macdonnell and Douglas Noble find parallels in the UK’s drive to push quality up and cost down
Tories pledge health service reform
Reforming the NHS is the only way to maintain frontline health services amid the mounting debt crisis, according to shadow chancellor George Osborne.
HSJ Knowledge
How to maintain business as usual in a swine flu pandemic
A swine flu outbreak could shrink workforces for weeks, but now health organisations can download a tool which helps them plan for business continuity. Daloni Carlisle explains
HSJ Knowledge
Ways to buy in to the lung cancer strategy
To maintain momentum in fighting lung cancer, commissioners must be thinking about awareness services and multidisciplinary teams, reports Jennifer Taylor
PCT rebranding still has a long way to go
Getting local people to understand the role of primary care trusts has proved difficult, so has the NHS rebranding helped? HSJ polled the public to find out
How to ensure choice in maternity services
If the government’s pledge, laid down in Maternity Matters, that all women in England should have the choice of a home birth by the end of 2009 is to be met, every maternity service should be discussing home birth with every woman.
HSJ Knowledge
How to take a whole family approach to mental health
The latest guidance on treating parents with mental health problems suggests a whole family approach is the surest way to improve care and end stigma
Hospital downgrade plan chief quits Oxford Radcliffe
The man whose plan to downgrade Horton General Hospital was thrown out by the government is quitting as Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals trust’s chief executive.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS marketing
In Hounslow a focused marketing campaign has helped ensure strong take-up rates of services at the area’s polyclinic.
Joan Saddler on patient centred services
Actively seeking out and acting on patient feedback to shape services is still far from the norm but is fundamental to putting quality at the heart of the NHS.
Stephen Eames on the need to make changes
Sunday morning and it looks as if it is going to be a hot day - a precursor to a long hot summer dominated by organising surge plans to combat pandemic flu, while digesting the impact of another central initiative on quality, innovation, improvement and productivity, otherwise known as “QIPP”.
Paul Corrigan on commissioning strategy plans
Nearly all primary care trust commissioning strategy plans describe a rationale for their intentions over the next five years. Tailored to the health and healthcare needs of their population, they describe future actions which intend to move activity out of secondary care, and cut emergency admissions and attendance at A&E.
Michael White on the future of healthcare funding
For a politician in his situation, care services minister Phil Hope was in a remarkably cheerful mood when I caught up with him to find out how well - or badly - his department’s latest green paper had been received.
London agrees stroke and trauma overhaul
Plans to overhaul stroke and major trauma care in London have been approved by a committee of the city’s primary care trusts.