Service design – Page 108
HSJ Knowledge
Improve dementia care through a pathway to early diagnosis
Launched in February, the National Dementia Strategy identifies 17 main objectives for improving the quality of services to people affected by the condition.
HSJ Knowledge
Deliver dignity with single sex wards
With the health secretary effectively fining hospitals that are still using mixed sex wards from 2010, action is needed now to segregate patients says Daloni Carlisle
Integrated care will be tested by only 16 organisations
Just 16 organisations have made it onto the Department of Health’s integrated care pilot scheme.
SHAs sign up to investing in NHS Institute services
Strategic health authorities have signed a five year commitment to invest in services offered by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.
Nigel Edwards on winter pressures in the NHS
The NHS has learned much from the demand surges of other winters. But while effective measures are in place, costs are significant and challenges for managers still persist
Blood service restructure should be stopped - Unite
Plans to restructure the blood transfusion service should be halted, health union Unite has said.
Stay of execution will draw out the agony
Strategic health authorities grappling with trusts that will fail to make foundation status face opposition whichever way they turn.
Next stage review: SHAs steer Darzi plans through financial storm
The recession and the subsequent question marks over funding mean SHAs’ visions published last year are being recast. But, as Alison Moore finds out, many have made strong progress regardless
Pilots open health boards to public candidates
Members of the public will have the chance to stand for election to health boards in Scotland from next year, after the Scottish Parliament passed the necessary legislation.
Michael White on health inequalities
Late Sunday afternoon I made myself comfortable to read the latest Commons select committee report on health inequalities before cooking our planned supper of grilled fish and greens.
Dignity in health and social care
Some simple practical steps can greatly improve patients’ experience of dignity. But the new quality accounts must recognise this if it is to be taken seriously by frontline staff
LIFT Awards 2009: excellence in building healthier communities
LIFT’s achievement has been extraordinary. In just a few years, it has delivered the NHS’s first co-ordinated programme of major investment in community based health and social care facilities. The LIFT Awards have been established to celebrate this achievement.
CMO calls for network of pain clinics
A national pain service model or pathway of care should be developed to stop chronic pain ruining people’s lives, while the feasibility of a national network of pain clinics should be looked at, chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has said in his annual report.
Sophia Christie on the next stage review and quality
Perhaps the most important contribution of the next stage review was to put quality and safety back firmly among the NHS's priorities.
London trusts get research centre nod
London’s three academic health super-trusts should work together to recapture the city’s position as a world leader in health research, Sir Ian Kennedy has said.
NHS job losses set to continue
The director general of NHS finance, performance and operations David Flory has warned that health service redundancies are likely to continue at their current rate of around 54 a month.
Margaret Edwards quits SHA for central role
NHS Yorkshire and the Humber chief executive Margaret Edwards left her post suddenly last week to take on a new role driving efficiency across the NHS.
Gordon Brown unveils plan to put nurses in charge of NHS services
An expert commission launched by prime minister Gordon Brown is to review the place of nurses in managing and commissioning care.
Connecting for Health loses policy setting role to the DH
Connecting for Health is to be stripped of its policy setting functions and turned into a delivery agent for the national programme for IT.