Service design – Page 110
Stephen Eames on managing the NHS
I spent a significant chunk of my Christmas break dealing with the 'here and now' while also reflecting on the harsh year we all face.
NHS looking across the pond to Obama's cures
In Barack Obama's overflowing in-tray is a file marked 'healthcare'. Michael Macdonnell and Douglas Noble explore how he will increase coverage and control costs and what UK managers should watch
NHS sets itself difficult targets for greener future
The health service is to set itself up as a trailblazer for public sector sustainability. Ambitious goals ranging from tough carbon-cutting targets to making staff walk and cycle are outlined in the NHS's first carbon reduction strategy, launched on Tuesday by chief executive David Nicholson.
PCT strategy plans expose the distance to world class
Concerns have been raised over two out of three primary care trusts' strategic plans, the first scores for world class commissioning reveal.
London unveils trauma plans to save 500 lives every year
A consultation is expected to begin tomorrow on the location of London's specialist trauma and stroke centres.
PCTs told to be innovative with personal budgets
The Department of Health is calling on primary care trusts to put forward proposals for controversial personal budget pilots.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS discharge planning: lost for words
GPs need timely discharge summaries to provide patients with effective follow-up care, yet they often have to wait weeks for this information. How can medics make sure one hand knows what the other is doing, asks Daloni Carlisle
Health inequalities in learning disabilities
Essential changes to learning disabilities services will have knock-on benefits for many other patients, who will gain from better approaches to communication and delivery
Your Humble Servant on the NHS operating framework
‘Baldrick, please, when it’s just us, you can call me Minister’
Service redesign key to survival of local hospitals
A radical redesign of services could be essential for small local hospitals' survival.
Low carbon NHS commissioning is the green ideal
Home working, green travel and low carbon commissioning are set to feature in the NHS's first ever carbon reduction strategy.
Michael White on the NHS and vested interests
I always have mixed feelings on reading that some grand professional body like the Law Society or the British Medical Association is moved to condemn a new government policy as unwise or unclear, and sometimes downright dangerous.
HSJ talks to care services minister Phil Hope
Care services minister Phil Hope promises his personal experience of the health service as a Hodgkin’s patient will mean service users are at the heart of his policies. Helen Crump finds out what’s on his to-do list. Plus, watch an exclusive video interview with Mr Hope
Divisions emerge as super trust race enters final lap
Research might versus community credentials has emerged as a dividing line among organisations pitching to be labelled academic health science centres.
Department steps up push for separate PCT provider arms
The Department of Health has turned up the heat under primary care trusts following concerns over the quality of their plans to separate their provider arms.
Patient choice: Apple's way will bear most fruit
Patient choice means NHS organisations must act more like businesses to win customers. The best will look to companies like Apple, which build their services from the 'outside in'
NHS archive documents: secret papers show history repeating itself
A recession, rising unemployment, escalating demand for health services and the tricky issue of how to improve the NHS with little or no new cash.
Mark Goldman on shifting healthcare into the community
In spite of every policy and every effort, it is not happening, not so far at least in Birmingham. The endeavours of primary care to shift healthcare into the community are yet to make a significant dent in hospital activity.
HSJ Knowledge
Health tourism: don't forget your toothbrush…
Estimates suggest as many as 150,000 Britons will travel abroad for medical treatment this year. But how is health tourism likely to affect the NHS, asks Alison Moore
Acute care reconfiguration plans come under review
Proposals for a major reconfiguration of acute care in south east London will be reviewed by the independent reconfiguration panel, it has been confirmed.