Service design – Page 115
HSJ Knowledge
Focusing on health inequalities
Bristol primary care trust is using an enhanced equality impact assessment to reduce health inequalities by transforming the way it allocates funds
HSJ Knowledge
Making lean thinking work in the NHS
To be successful, lean principles have to inform everything an NHS organisation does. Here, the chief executive of Royal Bolton Hospital foundation trust explains how he and his staff are putting this into practice
NHS Alliance conference begins with social enterprise rallying cry
The NHS Alliance has begun its annual conference in Bournemouth with a call to arms for the social enterprise movement.
NHS Alliance rallying cry for social enterprise
The NHS Alliance has begun its annual conference in Bournemouth with a call to arms for the social enterprise movement.
Stephen Eames on managing by fear
Up here in the North East the community is still reeling from the collapse of Northern Rock and is now watching with horror the ongoing farcical spectacle that is Newcastle United Football Club.
HSJ Knowledge
Healthcare funding: is there enough to go round?
As new treatments and an ageing population put ever more pressure on health systems across the world, future governments will have to rethink the way that they are funded.
Patients' voices in danger of drowning in paperwork
Patients could be put off taking part in NHS outcome measurement by overwhelmingly long questionnaires, market researchers fear.
GP practice fights PCT over branch surgery
A GP practice is fighting a primary care trust, claiming it stopped its planned branch surgery because it would compete with another new practice.
West Sussex puts hospital plan on ice after backlash
A hospital reconfiguration plan has been suspended two years after controversial plans were first floated.
Trusts expect tight pinch from 2010
Real terms cuts expected to payment by results tariffTough road ahead for aspirant foundationsQuery over future of capital investmentStaff costs may fall in real terms
Annual health check: London's NHS trusts slide down rankings
London is falling behind the rest of the country for service quality despite launching its Darzi plan a year before other regions.
Develop minor injury/illness services
Research identifies that on average, 75 per cent of attendances at an emergency department are minor. In terms of policy and dynamic action, this majority is ignored. Yet by fully developing the minor injury/illness service, the pressure on emergency departments would be relieved.
David Allen on letting the public shape the NHS
The government has published another NHS white paper in which politicians tell the public what sort of health service we must receive. It is time this changed.
Rise in GP practices offering extended hours
A census carried out on 22 September shows that 51.4 per cent of GP practices are now offering extended hours.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS change strategy: everything going like clockwork
Stockport foundation trust has put lean thinking at the heart of its successful early compliance with the European working time directive. Stuart Shepherd explains
Keith Pearson on releasing time to care for patients
The best health organisations in the world put patients at the heart of what they do. This is why the Releasing Time to Care programme is so important.
NHS integrated care bids face two-part assessment
Bidders will have to navigate a two-stage application process to take part in the Department of Health's integrated care pilot scheme.
Cambridgeshire trust leads way on franchising model
Private companies and foundation trusts will be invited to bid to manage a failing hospital trust.
Trust merger derails controversial reconfiguration plan
A controversial reconfiguration plan has been put on hold - because two of the trusts affected are likely to merge. The boards of Royal West Sussex trust - based in Chichester - and Worthing and Southlands Hospitals trust have agreed the merger in principle and are now doing detailed work.
Political fear frustrates local socialism
It is clear from discussions at the Labour Party conference that ministers are not willing to commit in any meaningful way to accountability to patients and the public. They feel that patient and public involvement will result in a postcode lottery followed by assassination by the press.