Service design – Page 117

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Transformational leadership in a transformed NHS


    To make patient care truly effective, all doctors need to develop the skills of transformational leadership, as Graham Neale explains

  • Comment

    Sandy Watson on bringing young people to the NHS table


    Any talk of engaging with the community and involving patients in shaping healthcare cannot ignore the needs and influence of its youngest citizens.

  • Leader

    NHS centralism is in the small print


    Buried within the 59 pages of brittle-dry prose of an ‘impact assessment’ on the failure regime for foundering trusts are extraordinary assumptions by the Department of Health about how many providers will go to the wall.

  • News

    Sophia Christie on management lessons from literature


    While the 1980s saw an explosion of books promising 'the management secrets of...', War and Peace seems to have been sadly neglected. But Tolstoy's commentary is instructive in the context of current discussions about the next stage review.

  • News

    Charities warn on information prescriptions scheme


    Charities in information prescription pilots have warned the scheme risks failure unless it is mandatory and supported by incentives.

  • News

    Lord Carter to head up NHS competition panel


    Lord Carter of Coles is to be the first chair and director of the NHS Co-operation and Competition Panel.

  • News

    Stroke services improving - Royal College of Physicians


    Stroke services have shown marked improvement in the last two years, an audit by the Royal College of Physicians has shown. The audit of 224 hospitals in all areas of the UK except Scotland found near universal provision of specialist stroke beds.

  • News

    Mental health lacks national vision


    Mental health plans arising from the next stage review lack ambition and risk being 'lost' as the service focuses on other sectors, managers are warning.

  • News

    Lib Dems unveil plan to slash NHS managers' pay


    Senior health managers should be forced to reapply for jobs and take pay cuts as part of a public sector cost-cutting drive, the Liberal Democrats proposed at their annual conference in Bournemouth this week.

  • News

    NHS failure regime: up to 92 trusts may be culled


    The Department of Health expects to cull up to six hospital trusts a year under its new failure regime, figures in its impact assessment reveal.The document shows the DH expects to save £200m a year under the plans, which are out for consultation. It focuses on six trusts affected by ...

  • Comment

    Michael White on the Liberal Democrats' conference


    Apart from Norman Lamb's platform speech and a short midweek debate on the urgent needs of mental health, the health service wasn't very prominent on the Liberal Democrats' conference agenda in Bournemouth.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: NHS in the headlines


    Headlines have been lent an oddly cinematic quality this week. In the horror category, Gordon Brown faced the 'revenge of the Blair Babes', according to The People. The Observer moved into gangster territory, imploring the prime minister to 'call off your mafioso aides'.

  • News

    NHS Direct relieves pressure on A&E and GPs


    I refer to your feature on NHS Direct and referrals to accident and emergency. Independent research published in June shows that NHS Direct is helping take the pressure off A&E and GP surgeries as it increasingly continues to advise callers to treat themselves at home. In fact, our most recent ...

  • News

    Integrated care warning


    Integration is in vogue. This is fine, but different enthusiasts interpret 'integration' differently. Confused enthusiasm is never a good thing on which to base health policy. At its best, such confusion could waste money; at its worst, it could cost lives.

  • News

    Cases of legionnaires' to rise


    More cases of legionnaires' disease are likely as a result of climate change, researchers predict.

  • News

    Patient information consultation begins


    Connecting for Health has launched a consultation on the use of patient information. It wants the public and health professionals to give their views on the use of patient information for purposes such as health research and managing and planning care.

  • News

    Scottish walk-in pharmacy services launched


    Eight Scottish pharmacies are piloting walk-in services such as immunisation, health checks, nurse-led minor injury clinics, sexual healthcare and smoking cessation. The pharmacies will stay open until midnight six days a week during the pilot, which is due to run until March 2010.

  • News

    Scotland holds annual quality improvement review


    The annual review of NHS Quality Improvement Scotland will be held in public today, chaired by health secretary Nicola Sturgeon. The review will include a question and answer session with members of the public.

  • News

    Stroke care improvements 'must continue'


    There has been a major improvement in the organisation of stroke care over the past two years, according to the latest National Sentinel Organisational Audit of Stroke.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health system integration: straight to the point


    Data analysis is revealing why people make inappropriate calls to the emergency services and prompting the discovery of new solutions to the problem, reports Stuart Shepherd