Service design – Page 121
Nuffield hopes to avoid merger with health science plan
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre trust is seeking to stave off the threat of a merger by forming an academic health science centre with Oxford University.
Helen Bevan on paths to improvement
The title of Lord Darzi's report - High Quality Care for All - proclaims the significant and welcome focus on quality improvement in the next phase of NHS reform.
HSJ Knowledge
Under the radar: BME mental health
Language barriers and stereotyping mean the mental health needs of black and minority ethnic older people are going unseen by commissioners. Kaye McIntosh reports
Peter Reader on integrating healthcare
Lord Darzi's next stage review contains the seeds of potentially the greatest revolution the NHS has seen since it was formed - a commitment to seek expressions of interest to run 'integrated care pilots'.
Solihull care trust appoints interim chair
Jenni Ord has been appointed as interim chairman of Solihull care trust.
Venomous rhetoric blocks better services
The row in Cornwall over plans to move a cancer service out of the county encapsulates the struggles primary care trust managers face when trying to improve services.
Joint appointment smooths way for Kingston merger
Kingston primary care trust and council are consulting on plans to integrate. The PCT and local authority have appointed the first joint director of finance as part of a move to promote greater partnership working.
West Sussex refers reconfiguration decision to health secretary
Major changes to hospitals in West Sussex have been referred to the health secretary after councillors said there was 'insufficient clarity' about which services would be provided where.
Media Watch: taking on obesity
As health secretary Alan Johnson packed up for the summer, he left a stern warning about the dangers of overindulgence.
Cornwall's one-site cancer plans run aground
A primary care trust's aim to centralise specialised cancer services has been derailed by the council's overview and scrutiny committee, which wants a full public consultation.
Report finds targets boost progress for sexual health
Primary care trusts must undertake five-yearly comprehensive sexual health needs assessments of their area, set local targets and make someone at board level accountable for their strategy, according to a progress report on the national strategy for sexual health and HIV.
People with learning disabilities let down by trusts
People with learning disabilities are facing unnecessary suffering and even death because existing laws and guidance are not being followed by trusts.
SHAs and trusts lock horns over future shape of workforce
The government’s NHS workforce strategy is sidelining trusts and fuelling rows with strategic health authorities, managers have told HSJ.Health minister Lord Darzi’s next stage review is being criticised for granting SHAs extra workforce planning powers and saying little about non-clinical managers.
Equal at the end of life
The first national strategy for end of life care is welcome and I am quietly confident we will see improvements.
People with learning disabilities let down by NHS, inquiry finds
The independent inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities has published its findings and its recommendations have been welcomed by the NHS Confederation.Healthcare For All says people with learning disabilities have higher levels of unmet need and receive less effective treatment, despite the Disability Discrimination Act and ...
Wales publishes report on organ donation
The Welsh Assembly's health, well-being and local government committee has published a report on organ donation.
Welsh trust told to review its performance
Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has told Cardiff and Vale trust to undertake reviews of its processes, leadership and governance, as well as its waiting list management.
Hospital malnutrition doubles in two years
The number of serious incidents related to poor nutritional care of hospital patients has almost doubled, figures show.
Scotland may need transfer service for pregnant women
Scotland should look at the need to establish a service to co-ordinate transfers of pregnant women in labour or close to giving birth from one unit to another, a report from NHS Quality Improvement Scotland has said.
Boards 'need sexual health representative'
Primary care trusts should have a board member responsible for sexual health, a report by the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV has said. It also said commitment was needed to ensure improvements in sexual health services moved beyond clinical work to reducing stigma and social exclusion.It added ...