Service design – Page 123

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    Simon Fradd on Darzi vs the GPs


    Sixty years ago, the medical profession took on Nye Bevan and lost - are we about to do the same thing again?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Darzi's vision - towards a quality-obsessed NHS


    Under Lord Darzi's recently published plans for the health service, clinicians will lead the charge to top-quality care. Ingrid Torjesen explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making clinical leadership happen


    Education and training are key components of Lord Darzi's plans to increase clinical leadership in the NHS. Ingrid Torjesen explains how the clinical landscape will change

  • News

    Annual health checks leading to changes at most trusts


    Ninety-one per cent of trusts have made changes because of the Healthcare Commission annual health check, according to a review of the first four years of the regulator's work.

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    UK cancer survivors top 2 million, claims charity


    At least 2 million people in the UK have survived cancer or are living with the illness while being treated for it, according to research by charity Macmillan Cancer Support.

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    CMO calls for focus on teen health


    Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has called for a focus on teenage health, including a national summit to take stock of health programmes and services for teenagers, more involvement of teenagers in designing health services, and establishing a young person's panel to advise on a national campaign on risk ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Deaths data: under threat


    The national confidential inquiries into why patients die have saved lives, but funding problems now threaten their own survival. Rebecca Norris looks at their prospects

  • News

    Framework for promoting healthy lifestyles


    The Department of Health has published a framework for action on social marketing and public health which sets out how people will be encouraged to lead healthier lifestyles.

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    Maternity services report highlights failings


    The Healthcare Commission has published a report on the state of maternity services in England showing that inadequate staffing and poor teamwork are a systemic national problem.

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on a good year for Darzi


    As wine experts will occasionally admit, it's hard to know how a new vintage will perform. Wines age, maturation takes time. And a decent bottle may be overshadowed by a later blockbuster year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strategy will knit up the ravelled sleeve of care


    Traditional institutional boundaries must be crossed and existing work patterns challenged before the elements of the NHS can come together to create care that fits patients perfectly

  • News

    Question mark over future of NHS Institute


    A question mark is hanging over the future of the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement following Lord Darzi's review of the health service.

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    Move sex health provision to community says charity


    The Terrence Higgins Trust has called on primary care trusts to apply Lord Darzi's access reforms to sexual health services to improve an unacceptably outmoded system.

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    CBI warning on stop-start procurement projects


    Primary care trusts that drag out procurements are hiking up the cost of schemes to taxpayers, the Confederation of British Industry has warned.

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    PCTs will have veto on Darzi integrated care pilots


    Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts will be expected to take a lead role in setting up and supporting integrated care pilots.

  • Comment

    Michael White on how Darzi looks from abroad


    An impeccable sense of timing and a wedding of young friends in Washington DC ensured I stepped off the plane at Heathrow this week uninformed about Lord Darzi's master plan for the NHS.

  • News

    Independent Reconfiguration Panel appoints chief


    Richard Jeavons has been appointed as chief executive of the Independent Reconfiguration Panel.

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    BMA calls for end to healthcare market


    British Medical Association chair Hamish Meldrum has called for an end to the market in healthcare.Speaking at the BMA's annual conference, Dr Meldrum said the market brought 'competition not collaboration, fragmentation not continuity, inefficiency not efficiency'. He urged doctors to look at the Scottish model as an alternative.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Recruitment questions: overseas staff in the NHS


    A few years ago, the service was in the spotlight for plugging staffing gaps with overseas workers. Now restrictions have been imposed as vacancies evaporate. Is the NHS right to aim for a 'self-sufficient' workforce?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Peat on 60 years with the NHS


    Call it a fortuitous coincidence if you will, but the NHS and I share the same birthday. Not to the day, but near enough.