Service design – Page 125
Helen Bevan on the NHS as a global leader
I have just returned from Saskatchewan, Canada. I was invited to the province as a 'critical friend' of its healthcare transformation strategy.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS60: The reinvention of hospitals
A ramshackle collection of impoverished hospitals dotted the NHS landscape in 1948. Anthony Harrison charts the transformation that has created the modern secondary care scene
HSJ Knowledge
Prison mental health services - jailhouse blues
Faced with huge numbers of mentally ill offenders, London's forensic mental health services are struggling to cope. Rebecca Norris reports
New tool to assess patient involvement
The Social Care Institute for Excellence has developed an audit tool to help service providers assess how they involve people in the way they run services.
Royal College sets out alternative to polyclinics
The Royal College of GPs has published its alternative model to polyclinics - primary care federations, in which groups of GP practices would work in partnership primarily in existing buildings to deliver better patient care.
HSJ Knowledge
Media Watch: the service's 60th anniversary
Coverage of the health service's pending diamond jubilee spans the good and bad.
Michael White on public health
The other weekend I found myself discussing the public sector with an old leftie who had worked most of his life in housing and hated what he feels the Blair-Brown governments have done. In a word, marketisation.
Radical ideas can keep service out of casualty
On the eve of Lord Darzi's next stage review, the new director of the Ambulance Service Network says ambulance services' impact can extend far wider than just emergency care and help reduce inequalities
Darzi set to put commissioning at centre stage
Lord Darzi's next stage review is expected to put primary care commissioning centre stage and set national standards for the quality of treatment.
Pilot trusts hire PR firm to keep project in public eye
The six pilot community foundation trusts have hired a public relations firm to promote their primary care trust provider model.
HSJ Knowledge
View from the floor: neuroscience services
Jon Sussman is a consultant neurologist at Salford Royal foundation trust and one of the team at the hospital's neuroscience integrated clinical assessment and treatment service, which is helping to save time and money
HSJ Knowledge
Anyone here a doctor who speaks nurse?
Tower of Babel-esque communication problems in the NHS are more than just a nuisance - they cost lives. How can the service prevent acronyms, tribes and egos putting patients at unavoidable risk, asks Mark Gould
Lansley outlines Conservatives' plans for NHS
A future Conservative government would state the outcomes it wanted the NHS to achieve, but would largely leave NHS managers and clinicians to decide how that was delivered, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley told the NHS Confederation conference on Friday.
Sustainability is key to NHS success, Confed hears
Patient experience will only improve if the NHS can sustain the gains from delivery of the 18-week referral to treatment target, delegates at the NHS Confederation conference have been told.
HSJ Knowledge
Increasing productivity in nursing
In a programme that pre-empted the Productive Ward initiative by a year, Ipswich Hospital trust improved its nursing services by changing the ward sister role
Confed report looks at innovation in the NHS
An NHS Confederation report published at the body’s annual conference examines changes and innovations that could redefine how the NHS works.
BMA campaign trades on fear and ignorance
One has to admire the British Medical Association. Getting people to campaign against health service closures is easy, but it takes a particular talent to get the public to campaign against service openings.
HSJ Knowledge
How Confed can make the next big change
The NHS Confederation has changed shape many times in its history. As it dances a line between its members and government, can it finally evolve to meet the challenges of the next few years?
Capital's PCTs give Darzi the thumbs up
Polyclinics are likely to be up and running across London by April 2009 following primary care trusts' endorsement of proposals in Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London.
Integrated care heightens provider monopolies risk
Primary care trusts will need to hold powerful monopoly providers to account if Lord Darzi gives integrated care systems the go-ahead.