Service design – Page 128
Nicholson tells Patient Safety Congress: create a safety culture
Chief executives have been told to create an environment where staff can report safety incidents instead of being ‘hung up to dry’.
HSJ Knowledge
Frank Dobson looks back as NHS turns 60
Back in 1997 when the New Labour government was bright and shiny as a new penny, Frank Dobson, the MP for Holborn and St Pancras, was appointed health secretary.
Patient Safety Congress 2008: Ann Keen urges staff to champion safety
Health minister Ann Keen has called for frontline staff to ensure patient safety is a top priority in the NHS.
Patient Safety Congress 2008: Don Berwick criticises blame culture
Institute for Healthcare Improvement chair Don Berwick has called for honesty, forgiveness and teamwork among healthcare professionals to improve patient safety, adding that such improvements do not have to be costly.
HSJ Knowledge
Military medical care: the war at home
In recent years the military has entrusted acute medical services to the NHS, and psychiatric care to an independent provider. But this has led to claims that the nation is failing those who have fought in its wars. Mark Gould reports
HSJ Knowledge
Timely admission reflects efficiency
In 2006 the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement recommended that patients requiring hip and knee replacement should have surgery on the day they were admitted.
HSJ Knowledge
Performance assessment: the management battle
There is a clear link between good management and better healthcare, but NHS managers' performance lags behind the private sector
Interview: Nicola Sturgeon shows she has a softer side
Scottish health secretary Nicola Sturgeon is not afraid to rattle cages, but one year into the job she admits the move from opposition to government was a culture shock. Jennifer Trueland meets her
PCTs told to target London reforms at the vulnerable
Primary care trusts must act urgently to ensure the shake-up of services in the capital improves the welfare of vulnerable groups, the London Health Commission has warned.
Centralisation gains fresh research support
Top health economists have given validity to Department of Health policies on centralisation of specialist services and reducing MRSA rates.
David Nicholson says standards must not slip
Hospital trusts have failed by a whisker to meet the government's target to treat all accident and emergency patients within four hours.
Darzi review: South West to match Europe's best
NHS South West is planning to match the lowest rates in Europe for smoking, cancer, heart disease and stroke deaths and healthcare associated infections.
David Nicholson speaks at Patient Safety Congress 2008
NHS chief executive David Nicholson has called for national targets and local leadership to improve patient safety in the NHS.
Darzi review: NHS North West to focus on patient engagement
Patient engagement, health promotion and illness prevention are at the core of NHS North West's 10-year Darzi vision.
Denise Platt on making progress on AIDS
Since the National AIDS Trust was created 21 years ago, we have seen amazing developments in managing HIV and most people diagnosed with HIV in the UK can now look forward to a long life.
Darzi review: NHS South Central to tackle health inequalities
NHS South Central has pledged to work to reduce massive variations in life expectancy and access to services.
Ivan Lewis begins national dignity tour
Care services minister Ivan Lewis has today begun a six-month nationwide tour of services to ensure they are being delivered in ways that promote patients' dignity.
Helen Bevan on implementing Darzi
What will it take to deliver the recommendations of Lord Darzi's next stage review?
HSJ Knowledge
Self-harm services: help with the pain
An award-winning service earns the confidence of people who self-harm with empathetic care. Stuart Shepherd reports on how it is improving the lives of vulnerable people
HSJ Knowledge
Patient safety survey: those in peril
An HSJ poll has uncovered widespread under-reporting of safety failures, while national monitoring processes need a major overhaul. Charlotte Santry looks at the results