Service design – Page 134
Problem anger is left unchecked, says mental health charity
Problem anger is being left untackled in the UK, according to a report published today by the Mental Health Foundation.
HSJ Knowledge
Developing inter-organisational governance
Effective governance between partner organisations is essential to safeguard each party's reputation, say Bryan Stoten and colleagues
Round table - clinical priorities: a dose of realism
Wonder drugs will play a part in transforming healthcare - but a roundtable of experts brought together by HSJ and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said implementing best practice could be even more important. Alexis Nolan reports
Two in five trusts turn away women in labour, figures show
Women in labour were turned away by 42 per cent of trusts last year, figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show.The figures, obtained by the Conservatives, show that one in 10 trusts closed their doors to women giving birth more than 10 times in the last year. Larger ...
HSJ Knowledge
Managers should lend a listening ear to patients
Patients need to be heard in the boardroom, not complaining in the media. But good patient and public involvement doesn't just happen - it needs a healthy investment of time, money and training
Sophia Christie on fighting change
Besieged by change, senior managers in the NHS are adept at resisting it while apparently leading it.
King's Fund urges caution on polyclinics
There is little evidence to back a wholesale shift to polyclinics in London, the King’s Fund has warned.
NHS service providers can advertise under new code
NHS trusts and independent providers of NHS services have the freedom from today to advertise direct to patients - but must abide by a new code of conduct.
Darzi's national blueprint must leave room for local innovation
The King's Fund's response to the consultation on reforming London's healthcare following Lord Darzi's landmark report is a scene-setter for the debate that will follow the publication of his national strategy in July.
Care Quality Commission: open your wallet and pay for real talent
For a department renowned for its largesse when it comes to remuneration, it is difficult to understand why the Department of Health is being so parsimonious when it comes to the salary for the chair of the new Care Quality Commission.
Ian Watson and Adrian Newland on the role of healthcare scientists
Junior health minister Lord Darzi's interim report promotes a radical patient-centred view most would endorse. The concept of local treatment centres where most examinations can be carried out is an attractive one. But such services must not be offered in isolation, remote from high-quality diagnostic services.
Work is good for mental health, says expert
Supported employment offers people with mental health problems a chance to get work, achieve recovery and lead fulfilling lives, according to a leading US expert.
Scottish government steps up fight against hospital infections
Prudent prescribing of antibiotics and a surveillance programme to monitor and provide data on organisms that are resistant to antibiotics is part of a hospital infections action plan released by the Scottish government.
Prison drug services falling short
Prison drugs services often fall short of even minimum standards, a report by the UK Drug Policy Commission has said. The report says community treatments are likely to more appropriate than imprisonment in many cases but not enough is known about which interventions for drug dependent offenders actually work. ...
Services must focus on recovery says report
Mental health services need to focus more on recovery and less on medication and symptom control, according to a policy paper published by the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health. The paper says that radical change is needed to give service users more opportunities to get their lives back.
David Woodhead and Valerie James on tackling decommissioning
Government is stepping away from setting central targets and relinquishing direct control over delivery. Locally identified needs and priorities will take their place. Directors of public health and commissioning will be at the vanguard of service reform in the health service and local councils.
HSJ Knowledge
Partnership working: taking targets a la carte
The 198 national indicators will tear up the 'set menu' of national targets, so local partnerships can tailor priorities to local needs. But regulation of the system will need a rethink
Ex-BBC man offers vision for health service charter
The former head of policy at the BBC has claimed the NHS could learn from the broadcaster as it strives to improve accountability and patient involvement.
Doubts over super-regulator
You do not mention an important question for the new super-regulator, writes Don Redding. Will it exist to serve patients and service users, and if so, how will it engage with them?
GPs urge PCTs to remain flexible
Primary care trusts will have to negotiate with family doctors over how to implement extended hours locally after the overwhelming majority of GPs voted to accept the government’s proposed deal.