Service design – Page 150

  • News

    National patient choice survey results


    Nearly half of patients say they have been offered a choice of hospital for their first outpatient appointment, according to a MORI survey for the Department of Health.

  • News

    Pilot sites sought for maternity reforms


    Maternity networks are being invited to bid to become early adopter sites for the government's Maternity Matters reforms.

  • News

    Scotland falling behind on waiting time target


    Scottish health secretary Nicola Sturgeon has said meeting the country's national cancer waiting time target is 'long overdue'.

  • News

    Dignity campaign extended to mental healthcare


    A campaign launched to help elderly people is to be extended to improve the care of people with mental health problems, care services minister Ivan Lewis has announced.

  • News

    Inquiry calls for action on age discrimination


    Age barriers to mental health services must be removed to end widespread discrimination against older people, a national inquiry has found.

  • News

    Inquiry calls for action on age discrimination


    Age barriers to mental health services must be removed to end widespread discrimination against older people, a national inquiry has found.

  • News

    Union 'gobsmacked' by ambulance funds blow


    North West Ambulance Service trust has admitted it can only afford to buy 35 of the 128 ambulances it needs to replace, raising questions over the reconfigured service's buying power.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Born under a bad sign


    Perinatal depression is gaining a higher profile, with. a drive to increase awareness and provide wider access. to specialist provision. Emma Dent reports

  • Comment

    Hospital closure is not an option


    This letter is in response to 'Super kids in bid to save hospital' (news, page 6, 2 August).The article states: 'Closing the [Royal Surrey] hospital is one of a number of options being considered by NHS South East Coast.' This is not true.Surrey primary care trust has been publicly discussing ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Thornton on developing leaders


    'Shared leadership is based on the idea that teams work together more effectively if all team members assert their individual leadership qualities'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New research links healthcare spending to outcomes


    The Health Foundation has published the first independent analysis of the Department of Health's programme budgeting data across 300 primary care trusts.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing maternal death rates in Malawi


    Maternal and neo-natal death is one of the biggest healthcare issues facing developing countries. To help tackle this, the Health Foundation is running a three-year programme dedicated to improving the quality of healthcare for mothers and babies in Malawi.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on encouraging honesty


    Once again, it is the time of year when a young manager's thoughts turn to the staff survey. The NHS staff survey is the largest of its kind in the world, and annual familiarity can breed contempt. But the results have a way of impacting on organisations' parts that even ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Professionals submit their ideas for improving healthcare


    Nearly 100 professionals have submitted their ideas for improving the quality of healthcare in the UK as part of a prize draw run by the Health Foundation at the NHS Confederation conference in June and the foundation's own summer event in July.

  • Comment

    Hospital closure is not an option


    This letter is in response to.'Super kids in bid to save hospital' (news, page 6, 2 August).

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Thornton on developing leaders


    Plastic-wrapped Devon fudge appearing in the office kitchen is a sure sign that August has arrived. Bringing back treats from your summer travels can be a nice way to foster team spirit, but it's not necessarily the most effective.The Health Foundation has been testing ways to build strong teams using ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tackling the 18-week wait


    Achieving the referral to treatment target will require the involvement of all staff, writes Alastair Henderson

  • Comment

    Darzi takes the blows as review develops


    'Darzi says his rapid consultations around the country, as he prepares his interim report for October's comprehensive spending review, demonstrate widespread support for the current direction of reform'

  • News

    Confed pushes for action on climate change


    The government has been urged to pay greater attention to the role the health service can play in tackling climate change.

  • News

    Ministers face accusation of burying report


    The government has been accused of trying to bury a report criticising the failed Medical Training Application Service.