Service design – Page 163
Dental contracts still in dispute
Dental contracts representing 4 million units of dental activity have still not been resolved, more than a year after being signed, year-end figures from the Department of Health show.
New management teams tackle commissioning
Six management teams have been appointed to manage the North East's 12 primary care trusts after fears that last year's mergers did not go far enough to encourage strong commissioning.
Referral management schemes must operate as a partnership
Referral management schemes run by primary care trusts must develop in partnership with practice-based commissioners, according to national clinical director for primary care David Colin-Thome.
Have trusts turned the corner, or just papered over the cracks?
As a raft of swiftly implemented cost-cutting measures hits home, panic over NHS finances has largely subsided. Alison Moore looks at the implications of breaking even
Back innovation and good judgement in primary care
Primary care trusts.are bound to weigh proposals fairly, but they cannot be compelled by entrepreneurs to make reckless decisions.
Commissioning: Practices may need a fairy godmother to make PBC work
Practice-based commissioning is the 'Cinderella' policy reform of the NHS.
Healthy staff will enhance outcomes
The NHS should take the lead in preventing long-term conditions in the workplace, write Simon Leary and Caitlin Francis
HSJ Knowledge
Stepping up to patient care
The Stepping Up programme is designed to understand how improving access to treatments can improve people's well-being and prevent them from developing more serious mental health problems, writes Mark Needham.
Working with Oakleigh Consulting
The Information Centre for health and social care's commercial management team is working with Oakleigh make information on the NHS more accessible.
Louis Appleby on reaching out to BME communities
'The term Positive Steps is an important one. The words and the actions coming from services must be positive. There is only so long that we can talk about the problem before talking about it gets in the way of tackling it.'
New phase of reform for mental health outlined
The national clinical director for mental health Professor Louis Appleby has set out the importance of continuing to improve mental health services with a new phase of reforms.Professor Appleby has called for barriers that prevent people from rebuilding their lives following mental healthcare to be broken down, and sets out ...
In pursuit of happiness
The NHS goes to great lengths to implement complex and ever-changing outcome measures, but do they pay enough heed to how well patients feel, asks Mark Gould
NHS chief executive Nicholson creates new team to lead 'third stage of reform'
NHS chief executive David Nicholson has promised that the creation of a new senior team within the Department of Health will deliver a 'different kind of leadership to support local NHS staff'.
BMA sets out plan to close purchaser-provider divide
The British Medical Association has proposed the creation of an organisation to bridge the gap between purchaser and provider and move towards single-system working.
Reduced government funding leads to significant drop in smoking cessation efforts, FOI figures show
A 41 per cent cut in Department of Health funding for smoking cessation advertising last year was accompanied by a marked drop in the numbers of quitters, figures obtained by HSJ can reveal.
Imperial leads merger on hunt for joined-up research
The first academic health science centre in the country is aiming for the 'holy grail' of intimately connecting research with frontline healthcare, as Victoria Vaughan explains
DoH rejig indicates future direction of policy
After many tremors below the surface, the detail of the restructuring of the Department of Health has emerged this week. NHS chief executive David Nicholson has created a new NHS leadership team, with new posts, and some clear water from the rest of the department (read news item on Nicholson's ...
Final fitness for purpose results name at-risk PCTs
Cumbria and Western Cheshire primary care trusts are at the greatest risk of being unable to meet baseline performance goals in the next six to 12 months, according to the third and final wave of primary care fitness for purpose results.
Emergency czar backs A&E closure
National emergency access director Professor Sir George Alberti has backed controversial proposals to shut a north east London accident and emergency department.