Service design – Page 175
Laura Donnelly on thoughts at last orders
'I used to be frightened when a colleague wore a Virginia Bottomley mask in times of stress'
Listen and learn: keys to good commissioning
How does accountability to patients and the public fit into the commissioning framework, asks David Colin-Thome. Below, Tim Gilling outlines the 10 areas essential to effective scrutiny
HSJ Knowledge
Data briefing: patients opting for care closer to home
Has there been a change in referral patterns since the start of patient choice?
Marketing code is 'overly bureaucratic'
The proposed NHS code of marketing has come under fire from the advertising industry and NHS communications professionals.
Reconfiguration: Maidstone faces opposition to emergency surgery consultation
A Kent trust's plan to centralise emergency orthopaedic and general surgery work is facing opposition from local people who fear they will have to make longer journeys to access urgent care.
Pilots lead way in new era of high-tech 'telecare' at home
Three primary care trusts will be chosen next month to deliver hardware worth thousands of pounds to the homes of patients with long-term conditions, according to Department of Health head of primary care Gary Belfield.
Helpline aims for foundation trust status
NHS Direct has become a trust under the Department of Health's review of arm's-length bodies.
DoH to address lack of detail in commissioning framework
There could be problems with the 'nuts and bolts', of the new commissioning framework for health and well-being, according to the man responsible for its introduction.
Foundation will take on troubled Good Hope
Heart of England foundation trust has been given the go-ahead to take over Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham.
'Super agency' merger on hold
A merger between the Department of Health's commercial directorate and the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency has been delayed until October, HSJ has learned.
Michael White on YouTube politics
'Only 19 per cent thought the local service had improved and 52 per cent thought it had deteriorated. These results are rubbish.'
Labour to take 18-week wait over border
Labour has pledged to halve maximum waiting times to 18 weeks from referral to treatment by 2011. Its Scottish election manifesto, launched on Tuesday, also commits to cut waiting times to see physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and chiropodists to nine weeks.
Nottingham PCT chief starts Pfizer secondment-
Nottingham City primary care trust chief executive Samantha Milbank has joined Pfizer Health Solutions on secondment as head of business development.
Nurses ready to strike over pay award
Nurses have said they are prepared to strike over this year's pay award.
Patient rights expected to be upheld in new report
The Commons health select committee is expected to recommend that visiting rights of patients' groups should be restructured, when it publishes its report on patient and public involvement tomorrow.
'Seasonal variation' to GUM access claim
Access to sexual health services varies widely at different times of the year, according to a survey of access to genito-urinary medicine clinics.
Academics call for NHS independence
The NHS should be given greater freedom from government intervention if it is to achieve stability and success, according to a report co-written by the former head of the Department of Health strategy unit.
Michael White on the IT programme
Lord Hunt thinks trickling out the new IT network is better than the CSA’s doomed big-bang approach
Media Watch: 'NHS penpushers'
'NHS penpushers are paid £1.5m for doing nothing' the Daily Mail told its readers as the tabloids frothed earlier this week over news that the Department of Health is paying £1.5m to civil servants whose jobs have been made redundant.
'Deficits have cut 22,000 jobs' claim
More than 22,000 nursing jobs have disappeared in the past 18 months because of deficits, the Royal College of Nursing has alleged.