Service design – Page 176

  • News

    Academics call for NHS independence


    The NHS should be given greater freedom from government intervention if it is to achieve stability and success, according to a report co-written by the former head of the Department of Health strategy unit.

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    Michael White on the IT programme


    Lord Hunt thinks trickling out the new IT network is better than the CSA’s doomed big-bang approach

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    Media Watch: 'NHS penpushers'


    'NHS penpushers are paid £1.5m for doing nothing' the Daily Mail told its readers as the tabloids frothed earlier this week over news that the Department of Health is paying £1.5m to civil servants whose jobs have been made redundant.

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    'Deficits have cut 22,000 jobs' claim


    More than 22,000 nursing jobs have disappeared in the past 18 months because of deficits, the Royal College of Nursing has alleged.

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    £30m available to boost women's ward safety


    Up to £30m is to be spent this financial year on single-sex facilities for mental health wards to improve women's safety, mental health director Professor Louis Appleby has promised.

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    Watts case sparks new advice for treatments abroad


    Commissioners have been urged to set up systems for considering patient requests to go abroad for treatment which is provided in UK hospitals.

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    Angry staff boo minister at Unison conference


    Angry NHS staff booed and heckled health minister Andy Burnham at Unison's annual healthcare conference this week.

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    Patient top-up fees on rise, say doctors


    Patients are increasingly having to pay top-up fees for private care because of budget cuts in the NHS and long waiting times, according to a report by pressure group Doctors for Reform.

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    Nuffield pulls out of theatres deal


    The second wave of the Department of Health's independent sector treatment centre programme has been dealt a further blow, with Nuffield Hospitals pulling out of negotiations to provide mobile operating theatres across the West Midlands.

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    Confederation hits out at regulation overhaul


    The Healthcare Commission's plans for the annual healthcheck ratings are 'bordering on performance management', the NHS Confederation has warned.

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    Too few trusts collect good safety data, says Dr Foster


    Better patient safety data needs to be collected as a matter of urgency because 'the NHS currently lacks measures of patient safety that allow national and local comparisons', Dr Foster Intelligence has warned.

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    Lord Hunt: NHS too centred on cost to innovate


    Commissioners are failing to embrace advances in medical science, health minister Lord Hunt has warned.

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    Management skills call for trainee docs


    Doctors should learn management as part of their undergraduate training, the British Association of Medical Managers and the British Medical Association has said.

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    Nottingham University Hospitals trust to lose 450 posts


    About 450 whole-time equivalent posts are to be cut at one of the UK's largest hospital trusts.

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    Controversial American set to lead commercial directorate


    The Department of Health is set to draft in another American to head up the commercial directorate and oversee its merger with the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency.

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    DoH: public health must 'focus on outcomes'


    NHS public health professionals must become effective commissioners and beef up their analytical skills if new joint strategic needs assessment work alongside local government is to be effective.

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    Census reveals duplicate jobs


    Thousands of NHS workers have been inaccurately recorded as having two jobs, the latest workforce census has revealed.

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    Senior managers have been awarded a 1.3 per cent pay rise.


    Chief executives were informed in a letter by health minister Lord Hunt last week that their annual increase would be in line with raises set for other senior public sector staff, including medical consultants and senior civil servants.

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    Baby Boomers strain services


    The pressure of an ageing population will compel governments around the world to change the funding of public services, according to a new study from consultants Deloitte.

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    Charity calls for urgent action on hepatitis C


    Primary care trusts must invest more and improve co-ordination with local genito-urinary and hospital hepatology clinics if they are to hit government targets, managers have been told.