Service design – Page 177
Patient data records proof 'patchy'
Evidence to suggest the NHS care records service will save thousands of lives is 'patchy', the government has admitted.
Workers set to benefit from trust pay blow
A trust has been forced to boost the wages of its maintenance staff in a landmark case affecting nearly 10,000 workers across the country.
SHAs to review need for PCT top-slicing
NHS North West is the first strategic health authority to confirm that it will not top-slice money from primary care trusts this financial year.
ISTCs: wave three under way despite doubts
The Department of Health is pushing ahead with wave two of its independent sector treatment centre programme despite scant evidence of value, HSJ understands.
Call for NHS input into new assessments
The Audit Commission has called on the NHS to help shape the way. it carries out comprehensive. area assessments, which are set to replace comprehensive performance assessment for local government from 2009.
MPs call for PFI training
Staff who renegotiate the refinancing of private finance initiatives often 'lack commercial awareness' and must receive training, a Commons committee has found.
Trusts urged to tackle patient dignity issues
The Healthcare Commission has called on the NHS to look again at how it respects patient dignity, in relation to hospital food, help with eating and mixed-sex wards.
NICE hits out at 'flawed and inaccurate' cancer care report
An international report that claims the UK has among the worst access to cancer drugs is 'flawed' and 'inaccurate', the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has said.
BMA hits out over diverted education cash
Money given to acute trusts to fund medical education must be ringfenced, the British Medical Association has said.
Report calls for royal pharmaceutical college
Pharmacists should get their own royal college to unite the profession and give it a stronger voice, the government has concluded.
Pressure group celebrates MTAS legal ruling
Pressure group Remedy UK is claiming a 'mild victory' following a judicial review into the medical training and application system.
Foundation trusts generate £130m surplus
Foundation trusts generated a £130m net surplus for the last financial year although three were shown to be in deficit, according to figures released yesterday.
Information Centre prepares to expand role
The role of the Information Centre for health and social care in the NHS is set to be stepped up, NHS chief executive David Nicholson has revealed.
South Staffs adds to foundation acquisitions
A mental health trust has become the second foundation trust to use its independent powers to take over provider services from another NHS organisation.
Trust offers 6,000 staff voluntary redundancy
Wage slips received last week by almost 6,000 staff at County Durham and Darlington foundation trust also included a letter offering them voluntary severance deals.
Board papers reveal limited local power on IT priorities
Strategic health authorities will only have limited powers to set local IT priorities, board papers suggest.
Simon Stevens on Brown's opening salvo
‘Mr Brown has chosen an issue that explicitly requires him to choose sides: patients v professionals’
Report finds PCTs wanting on gender equality
Primary care trusts are not taking sufficient account of gender when they plan services to meet new laws, a report commissioned by the Department of Health has found.
Workforce chief to tackle past failures
Many of the NHS's biggest personnel problems should have been tackled years ago, the Department of Health head of workforce has admitted.
Michael White: media spin
'Judicial review looms on the consultation process and voters don't need media spin to feel cheated'