Service design – Page 180

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    Sophia Christie on why tenders need loving care


    Community foundation trusts reproduce the organisations we disbanded five years ago

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    Michael White on politics


    It is the Hewitt-Blair vision of US-style competing hospitals which causes offence to activists in Wales

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    Media Watch


    Thousands of junior doctors are to be shipped abroad, The Daily Telegraph said this week as it claimed 'up to 10,000 young doctors unable to find NHS jobs could be offered voluntary work overseas'.

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    Just the end of the beginning for Monitor


    With 62 members, the foundation movement is coming of age. Monitor chair Bill Moyes offers a compelling picture of where foundation trusts are heading, and outlines his vision for the regulator's future

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    Barometer - Mental health April 07


    With the start of the new financial year comes a new record in this Barometer survey of mental health chief executives. The highest result has been recorded, with a confidence score of 9.47 for achieving break even by the end of the financial year.

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    In defence of e-patient records


    It hasn't been often over the last few years that I have found myself agreeing with ITRichard Granger (News, 3 May) but here here!

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    Report condemns 'information overload'


    Trust boards are drowning in 'Amazonian' levels of useless information, the latest Intelligent Board report from Dr Foster has found.

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    Michael white on politics


    Devolving power to the front line is a crucial test for Brown, an instinctive centraliser.

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    Media Watch


    What Gordon Brown's premiership will mean for the health service has yet to be seen, but one thing is certain: the NHS is bound for more tumultuous times.

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    Care UK chief urges swift ISTC take-up


    Chief executive Mike Parish sounds a cautionary note that government must move quickly to ensure a local ownership care system takes route

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    Sophia Christie on treating adults like kids


    Outcomes for children generate emotional engagement; those for adults are dull in their worthiness

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    Chronic disease management: Welsh framework will cut through boundaries


    With evidence mounting that chronic illness represents the principal burden on health and social care services, effective management of long-term conditions is a priority. Helen Howson and colleagues explain

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    Anna Donald on consumer information


    'Patients must indeed be patient. The term 'patient-led' invites disbelief that patients are going to lead the NHS'

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    Michael white on politics


    'Mr Dorrell cited that withering phrase used in school reports that Ms Hewitt is 'too easily satisfied with her own work''

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    Wanted: doctors to help redesign services


    The need for more doctors to take on a management role has almost become a mantra, yet progress has been painfully slow. Penny Dash and Pam Garside examine the challenges and opportunities

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At your service


    The government and PCTs are contemplating the benefits of community foundation trusts, but are they really the future for provider services, asks Kaye McIntosh

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    Michael White on politics


    'One insider said Gordon Brown is obsessed with the NHS and he'll have his hands all over it. That figures'

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on teaching hospitals


    'It is likely that the teaching hospital group will segment into different roles'

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    Turning curves


    In the first part of our series on organisational turnaround, HSJ writers quiz three NHS trusts on how they fought their way back from the brink of financial Armageddon

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    PCT autonomy plans dropped


    The Department of Health has backed away from proposals to give primary care trusts complete autonomy to set policies on NHS funding for continuing care.