Service design – Page 185
HSJ Knowledge
The safer sex
Medium secure provision for women has been inadequate, but services tailored to their needs are now being provided. Emma Dent reports
HSJ Knowledge
Ten points for a big difference in mental health
Mental health: A year and half after the groundbreaking 10 high-impact changes were published comes a new version specifically for mental health services, writes Jackie Ardley
HSJ Knowledge
Storing up trouble: the problem with materials
Seven months ago I joined the NHS from a role in operational management in manufacturing. One of the first things I noticed is that we seem to have missed the point on managing materials.
HSJ Knowledge
Admissions: cutting excess bed days
Avoiding hospital admissions and reducing stays are ongoing priorities for primary care and acute trusts.
Efficiency: realising potential to cut waste
Three factors are key to rapid improvement in NHS productivity and efficiency: a focus on what is known to work; follow the lead set by the best; drive improvement through measurement.
HSJ Knowledge
'We are not looking for blame but improvement': ambulance trust turnaround
A year ago, Mersey Regional Ambulance Service trust was faring very badly - until an interim chief executive changed the culture of decision making. By Alexis Nolan
HSJ Knowledge
Live and direct - how five got ahead
HSJ's GM Live events provided an unprecedented opportunity for trusts not only to share best practice, but to see the benefits for themselves. Alexis Nolan reports
HSJ Knowledge
Helen Bevan on a life-saving campaign
'What can the NHS learn from this overachievement of a national goal?'
HSJ Knowledge
What's quality?
With the emphasis on financial turnaround and the 18-week target, the primary focus of most organisations is finance and delivery. Patient experience and service quality do not seem to get the same attention. But does better-quality healthcare cost more money, or less?
HSJ Knowledge
Danger signals on safety
There is little doubt that theHealthcare Commission's healthcheckrating is far more searching than its predecessor, the star-ratings
HSJ Knowledge
Technology: why the Conservatives are pushing for root and branch reform
The centralisation of Connecting for Health and a lack of local leadership are proving an important battleground for Conservative policy debate. Steve Mathieson looks at the detail
HSJ Knowledge
NHS bureaucrats are holding back change
Ian Smith got to within touching distance of the NHS chief executive job last year. Here he makes the case for managers to revolutionise their focus and free themselves from Whitehall
HSJ Knowledge
How to commission high quality, low cost health care
The 152 new primary care trusts are tasked with becoming strategic commissioning bodies. This means they must procure a range of provision for local people, which meets their health needs and delivers health improvements, by securing the highest value for their limited money. Stating the task is easy. Delivering it ...
HSJ Knowledge
Local health community Demonstrators
The NHS Integrated Service Improvement Programme is working with strategic health authorities to support the change agenda.
How Buckinghamshire is moving opthalmology closer to home
There is a lot of rhetoric about moving care closer to home but how easy is it and can quality be maintained?
Practitioner view: Measuring outcomes in mental health and social care
Measuring outcomes is a direct way to improve the quality and accountability of services. It can help us to improve our understanding of the impact of services on people's lives. Those who use services and carers need reassurance that treatments and care provided are producing results for them as individuals, ...
Mike Cooke on mental health
'We have to dance, sing and juggle, often at the same time - and now we need more proof we are accountable'
Autonomy is key to applying lessons from private sector
'Do NHS managers really believe the 'myth' that public sector values are at odds with what Tony Blair called 'proper business management techniques'?'
Efficiency drive lies at the heart of PM's uncompromising message
The prime minister's interview with HSJ this week poses important questions for health service managers. Among the familiar - the NHS is important, managers do a good job - are some more subtle but pointed messages.