Service design – Page 188
Audit finds little improvement in continence care
The second audit of continence care in the NHS has seen little improvement over the past 12 months, the Royal College of Physicians has found.The Healthcare Commission-backed audit found that only 37 per cent of hospitals, and 10 per cent of mental health care sites have a written continence policy.Read ...
HSJ Knowledge
Quality beyond NHS borders
What does quality in healthcare now mean, how is it measured around the world and how well do the NHS's systems measure up globally? Simon Leary and Rachel Abbott report
Service reconfiguration
While there may well be a case for focusing resources on a smaller number of acute sites, there is a huge issue about accessibility and convenience, which doesn't sit well with the supposedly consumer-friendly modern NHS.
Nicolaus Henke on Michael Porter's partial answer
The Harvard Business School guru's book Redefining Healthcareis a fascinating but flawed study of reform from which the NHS could learn, says McKinsey's head of global health systems
Alberti: managers are not believed, instead clinicians must lead
The reports launched this week, written by national emergency access director Professor Sir George Alberti and national heart disease and stroke director Professor Roger Boyle, argue that traditional accident and emergency departments are not the best places to treat many patients, writes Daniel Martin.
News analysis Trusts feel impact as PFI and payment by results collide
Four days after arrival in post, new trust chief executive Mary Wells found herself working with a crisis team sent in to turn around a maternity unit in serious trouble. Eighteen months later, Daloni Carlisle hears what was wrong and how it was tackled
Comment: National directors sign up to reform
No-one ever argues with the case that clinicians at every level are integral to successful service reform. But it is a truth observed more in the intention than the action. It is therefore welcome, although a little late in the day, for the government to wheel out two national clinical ...
Comment: Why a US management guru has vital questions for the NHS
'Michael Porter's book has caught the imagination of many of the most influential voices in NHS reform and has been occupying minds at the highest level throughout this year.'
New stroke toolkit will save lives
National director for heart disease Professor Roger Boyle has issued new guidance and a toolkit providing advice to commissioners on good practice on improving stroke services. It highlights key issues to consider and summarises supporting resources.The toolkit, ASSET, is to assist NHS commissioners modernise stroke services. By using their own ...
Sir Liam: public health was rushed
The chief medical officer for England has revealed that he was given just two hours to insert a reference to public health into the Department of Health's key policy document, Commissioning a Patient-led NHS.
PCTs 'should have more responsibility for prisoners'
Primary care trusts should be given responsibility and funding for the treatment of prisoners outside jail, to ensure that decisions not to treat people within the prison walls are based on clinical imperatives.The 'escorts and bedwatches' study, jointly funded by the Department of Health ...
Alliance warns of NHS emergency
The NHS will face a 'medical emergency' if it fails to get clinicians - especially GPs - on board for its reform agenda, according to NHS Alliance chair Dr Michael Dixon.He told the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence conference that new professional executive committees must include greater clinical ...
Hospital campaigns could cause 1,000 unnecessary deaths: think tank
The Institute for Public Policy Research has concluded that campaigns to save services currently provided in district general hospitals could lead to more than 1,000 unnecessary deaths a year.Associate director Richard Brookes said: 'On the strength of the evidence, people should be out on the streets campaigning for changes to ...
Scottish mental health delivery plan published
The Scottish Executive has published a mental health delivery plan, including basic mental health training for everyone who works with children, halving admissions of children and young people to adult beds and reducing anti-depressant prescribing and repeat hospital admissions for mental illness.To read the plan click ...
Czars make case for service reconfiguration
National director for emergency access Sir George Alberti has published a report setting out the clinical case for reconfiguration of access to emergency care services. And national director for heart disease and stroke Professor Roger Boyle has published a report setting out the clinical case for reconfiguration in heart disease ...
HSJ Knowledge
Gail Richards on local area agreements
'If the first phase of LAAs has concentrated on designing and ensuring focused target delivery, albeit in partnership, now we need to ask whether this is sufficient.'
Return to the windmill - behavioural modelling and the future
The lack of a 'big picture' of where reforms will take us means investment and strategic planning are severely hampered. Alasdair Liddell and Laurie McMahon describe a behavioural modelling approach that can help
Peter Mason on social enterprise - the new punk rock?
'Social enterprises have crashed onto the scene with the same energy and style as punk rockers, the new kids on the block full of passion and hope'
New guidance for ophthalmic services
The Department of Health has brought out new guidance on ophthalmic services.The guidance announces increases in the NHS sight test fee, domiciliary sight test allowances and the pre-registration supervisors allowance from April next year. It also details an increase in the continuing education and training allowance.Download the covering letter ...
Conservatives slam A&E closure threat
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has warned that Labour has not disclosed the evidence behind the proposed closure of 29 accident and emergency departments.He said the closures were being driven by deficits and has written to NHS chief executive David Nicholson to ask him if the government will give patients ...