Service design – Page 190

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    Rights and responsibilities is the issue on the Cabinet table


    The government believes it has to reassert its power to make policy in response to the Brown-Blair faction-fighting of the autumn. Public services is one of six policy areas under debate (the others include the role of the state, crime and security) and the first to arrive on the Cabinet ...

  • News

    Government announces carer arrangements


    The government has defined 'carer' with regard to new rights from 6 April next year for carers to request flexible working arrangements from their employers.Employment relations minister Jim Fitzpatrick announced today that the rules will cover employees caring for an adult who is: their spouse, partner or civil partner; a ...

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    When Norma, Dot and Beckie had their say about NHS care...


    A pioneering consultation event in Liverpool last week believes it could show the way forward in engaging the public in service redesign. Jeremy Davies was there

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    DoH publishes assistive technology report


    The Department of Health has published a report highlighting how assistive technology can play its part in meeting the challenge of caring for an ageing population in the community. The report, Research and Development Work Relating to Assistive Technology 2005-06, covers research projects in ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Predicting the future


    Cutting emergency hospital admissions among those with long-term conditions would save the NHS millions. But how can those at risk be identified, traced and their needs addressed? Daloni Carlisle looks at two solutions

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    Chronic diseases threaten economies


    Chronic diseases including heart and lung disease, cancer and diabetes should be more prominent in international development agendas as they threaten the economic growth of the developed and developing worlds, according to a new report.The report by the Oxford Health Alliance found that chronic diseases can cost up to 6.8 ...

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    Liam Hughes on joint working


    Solid local partnerships are essential for PCTs to achieve their objectives for local communities

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    More choice for mental health service users


    Mental health service users will have powers to chose their own path through services and retain more control over their lives and the treatments they receive under new guidance, Our Choices in Mental Health, published today by the Department of

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    Report targets partnership working between health and schools


    The Department for Education and Skills and the Department of Health have published a report on how extended schools can help health professionals achieve targets on issues such as teenage pregnancy, immunisation and childhood obesity. The Extended Schools and ...

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    PCTs told to implement radical changes to LAAs


    Primary care trusts will be expected to develop more flexible agreements with councils under proposals outlined in a white paper for local government reform.

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    Scotland motors into the future as England gears up for change


    Scotland is already getting stuck into the tough decisions involved in redesigning its health services, but in many parts of England managers are still perceived to lack the mandate they need to make their own plans. Jennifer Trueland examines the big divide

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    Burden of unbundling the tariff falls on quality of local data


    This week's 'road testing' of the payment by results tariff for 2007-08 will, the Department of Health hopes, result in considerably less noise than the late and broken one released in January. The DoH says it is not looking for any comment or complaint about what the tariff should or ...

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    Minister puts onus on trusts to negotiate unbundled tariff


    Primary care and acute trusts need to negotiate their own ways to unbundle the payment by results tariff, health minister Lord Warner said as he launched the 'road test' of next year's tariff.

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    Managing a merger? Don't lose the plot


    A new era of NHS mergers is upon us. But lessons from the business world show that they can be painful and uncomfortable. Steve Downing outlines a theatrical route to tackling the problems

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    New orthopaedic treatment plan


    Health minister Andy Burnham has announced a new musculoskeletal services framework intended to provide the NHS with new guidance to help improve services for people who suffer from such conditions. An estimated 10 million people in England suffer from musculoskeletal problems.The guidance sets out how the NHS can use a ...

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    Guide to help achieve 18-week target launched


    A tool to help trusts achieve the 18-week waiting-time target will be launched today by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Achievement at an HSJconference. The No Delays Achievermatches trust data with service improvement tools to produce plans for hitting the target.The guide is in four parts. Download them here, ...

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    Inpatient waiting-time figures


    Almost 200 patients were waiting over 26 weeks at the end of September, the Department of Health has said. Of 198 patients for whom English commissioners are responsible, 21 were waiting in Welsh hospitals. The number of patients waiting over 20 weeks was down by ...

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    Reform and instability


    'Why instability is inevitable' - Simon Stevens' article on the NHS and the J curve (page 19, 19 October) reminded me of a classic false syllogism: 'It always gets worse before it gets better.It certainly is getting worse. Therefore it will get better.'

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    Service redesign consultations


    I worry we have lost the plot. In the last two weeks I have received four different letters from solicitors offering me advice on consultation. Post Derbyshire some colleagues have become obsessed with what we need to satisfy our legal friends. How grim. Have we really got to the point ...

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    Neil Goodwin on politicians, customer care and a portfoilo life


    'I confess to not missing the grind of the job; 36 years is long enough for anyone. I also do not miss politicians who have a tendency to be personally abusive'